How do I use Leap?


Leap is a web-based circulation tool for Polaris that will allow circulation staff to perform basic library services through their web browser. Although Leap has been designed to work best on a laptop, it will work on tablets as well.

Accessing Polaris LEAP Internally:

Assessing Polaris LEAP Externally:

Logging into Polaris LEAP:

You will log in to LEAP using the format NL\N [Branch Code] [Username].  For example, if somebody named John Smith wanted to access LEAP, their username would look like

  • NL\NABOYjsmith if they worked in Boyle
  • NL\NABOAjsmith if they worked in Bon Accord
The password will be the same as your regular Polaris and computer desktop login. 
Please check out our webinar recording and presentation (attached) for full details on this powerful tool!

Answered By: Jessie Morris
Last Updated: Sep 13, 2024