How do I request a Book Block or STEAM Kit?


Requesting Blocks/Kits for Loan


As a member of NLLS, your library has the option to request a “block” from us—this is a selection of books that we will temporarily reassign to your library collection, in a record set.

A block can be a single genre or subject, or it can be a mix of materials. Blocks are typically lent out to libraries for 3 months and then returned—unless the member library requests to extend it. There a provisional limit of 2 simultaneous blocks per member library.

Blocks are built upon request. If there are titles that you are particularly searching for we can certainly endeavor to include them in the block, but we cannot guarantee their availability at the time of your request.

You can also browse our HQ collection in TracPAC. Simply search by Genre or Subject, like: “Western” and Narrow Search by: Availability <Available Now> Type of Material <Large Print> and Assigned Branch <Northern Lights Library System Local>  

Here you will be able to view all titles that are currently available from our HQ collection.

Books blocks can be requested in full or half blocks, which consist of 20 or 10 items.

When we send you a block, we will include a list of what is in the block, if you would like to track the borrowing history. Because blocks are being created upon request—there is little chance of significant accidental overlap.

Please submit a help desk ticket indicating the genre/ subject and material type, and we will be happy to send it over to you!


Block Request: Large Print / Westerns

Half Block Request: Paperback / Romance

Block Request: Hardcover-Trade paperback / General Fiction

Block Request: DVD / Nonfiction



As a member of NLLS, your library has the option to request a “Kit” from us—this is a selection of books and “manipulables” like toys, costumes, and puppets to be used for programs and special events.

Kits are typically lent out to libraries for up to 2 weeks and then returned—unless the member library requests to extend it. There a provisional limit of 2 simultaneous kits per member library.

Kits are built upon request. If there are titles or items that you are particularly searching for please include the item Title / Name / Type and we will certainly endeavor to include them in the kit, but we cannot guarantee their availability at the time of your request.

You can browse our NLLS Build-a-Kit Collection in HERE.

Browse by Item Name, Species, Series/ Theme, or Type (Costume/Puppet/Toy) and Narrow Search by: Filtering for Size, Availability, etc. Each entry has a picture so you can see what the item looks like, to view images, click on the item name, scroll to the bottom, and click the image link.

Please submit a help desk ticket indicating the theme and contents of the kit you’d like to build and we will get to work putting it together for you! Please remember to include the date of the program or event so we can ensure the kit arrives in time.


Our Steam Kits are viewable in a Trello Dashboard, available on the web or on the NLLS Libraries Team in the General channel, in the STEAM KIT BOOKING tab. You will need to create an account with Trello to access it - find the instructions HERE.

You can browse available STEAM Kits HERE.

. They are best viewed in “Board” view and availability for particular dates can be viewed in “Schedule View”

Board View

Schedule View

Before making a booking please use Schedule view to ascertain its availability for when you want it.

To Request a STEAM Kit: Please submit a help desk ticket indicating the Kit you’d like to borrow, and we will process your request! Please remember to include the date of the program or event so we can ensure the kit arrives in time.

  • Last Updated Apr 16, 2024
  • Views 141
  • Answered By Jessie Morris

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