1. The role of the Executive Committee is to:
      1. Act for the Board within the framework of existing policy, budgets, and strategic plans approved by the Board,
      2. Oversee the preparation of all governing policies for approval by the Board.
      3. Represent the Board at provincial meetings or when presenting recommendations on provincial library policy.
      4. Orient and ensure appropriate professional development of the Board.
      5. Set the agenda for Board meetings and report to the Board on actions or resolutions from past meetings.
      6. Ensure that minutes are taken of all Executive meetings and that draft and approved minutes are made available to the general membership


  1. The Executive Committee is responsible for hiring and managing the Executive Director. The Executive Director will hire and supervise all other required staff in accordance with budgets and policies established by the Board. The Executive Committee has authority to:
      1. Hire the Executive Director.
      2. Evaluate the Executive Director's performance through the Executive Director Evaluation Committee policy.
      3. Terminate the Executive Director. Prior to a termination decision, the Executive Committee shall:
        1. Present to the Grievance Committee details regarding the performance of the Executive Director,
        2. Obtain a written report from the Grievance Committee with a recommendation for or against retaining the Director,
        3. Obtain legal counsel on the merits of termination and a legal recommendation to proceed,
        4. Hold a special meeting of the Executive Committee to review the recommendations from the Grievance Committee and legal counsel before a final decision to terminate.

Committee Organization

  1. From its membership, the Executive Committee shall elect, at the first Executive Committee meeting after the Board's annual organizational meeting, a:
      1. Vice-Chair, to act in the absence of the Chair,
      2. Treasurer, to serve as a liaison between the Administration and the Board pertaining specifically to the overall NLLS Budget.
  2. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chair or any two (2) members of the Committee.
  3. Should a sitting member of the Executive Committee be unable to continue as a member of the committee prior to the conclusion of their two (2) year term, representatives from that municipality or group of municipalities may appoint a new representative to the Executive Committee at the next General Board meeting.
  4. In the event of the Board Chair's resignation or removal, the Vice-Chair will act as Chair until the next general Board meeting, at which time an election will be held.
  5. In the event of the Board Chair and Vice-Chair's resignation or removal, the Executive Committee will elect an interim chair until the next general Board meeting, at which time an election will be held.

Role of the Chair


The role of the Chair is:

Governance Oversight:

  1. Ensure the integrity of the Board’s governance.
  2. Uphold the Board’s policies and rules, including those imposed by external sources.
  3. In the event of the absence or disability of the Treasurer, will assume and perform the duties and function of the Treasurer.

Representation and Leadership:

  1. Represent the Board to external parties in alignment with Board policies and resolutions.
  2. Chair Board and Executive Committee meetings with full authority, including the ability to rule and recognize, aiming to maintain timely, fair, and orderly deliberations.
  3. Make governing decisions within the Board's established policies and directions.

Committee Responsibilities:

  1. Chair the Advocacy Committee.
  2. Attend Library Managers’ Council meetings.
  3. Chair the Executive Director evaluation committee.
  4. The Board Chair or their designate is not ex officio and is not mandated to attend all committees but may attend voluntarily and without compensation.

Role of the Vice Chair

2. The Vice Chair, in the absence of the Chair, is the de facto designate and will assume and perform the duties and functions of the Chair.

Role of the Treasurer


  1. The role of the Treasurer is to work with administration to ensure the integrity of the Northern Lights Library System budget, to draft motions pursuant to the budget, and to ensure the budget reflects the strategic goals of the system. They act as liaison between system administration and the Executive Committee on matters of budget.

  1. The Treasurer:

a) Is elected or appointed by and from within the Executive Committee

b) Represents the interests of the Board in discussions and development of the system budget, with administration

c) Presents motions to the board pursuant to the budget, whereas the Executive Director communicates about, and reports on, the financial matters of the system to the Board and other stakeholders

d) Reviews the budget to ensure it reflects the strategic priorities identified by the Board

e) Does not have authority to advise administration beyond policies created by the Board


  1. The election of the Executive Committee will be held at the Annual General Meeting and as needed throughout the year.
    1. The Executive Committee will consist of 10 Board members.
    2. The Board Chair is elected by the general membership for a two-year term, and accounts for one seat on the committee. The Chair does not represent a specific zone.
    3. All municipalities with a population of 15,000 or more will automatically get a seat on the Executive Committee.
      1. The population used to determine eligibility will be the same as the population used by the provincial government to calculate library grants.
      2. a maximum of three (3) automatic seats will be awarded;
      3. where there are more than three (3) municipalities with a population greater than 15,000, the three (3) seats will be filled by the eligible representatives as elected by the General Board.
    4. Each zone of the system has a seat on the Executive Committee.
      1. Zone 1 = Athabasca County/County of Thorhild/Smoky Lake County
      2. Zone 2 = Lac La Biche County/M.D of Bonnyville/County of St. Paul/ County of Two Hills
      3. Zone 3 = Sturgeon County/Lamont County/Beaver County
      4. Zone 4 = County of Minburn/M.D of Wainwright/County of Vermilion River
    5. Zone 1 & 3 are elected on odd years for a two-year term
    6. Zone 2 & 4 are elected on even years for a two-year term
    7. The summer villages have one (1) automatic seat on the Executive Committee between them. This seat will be elected by the General Board membership for a two-year term.
    8. Indigenous communities that are members of NLLS have one (1) automatic seat on the Executive Committee between them. This seat will be elected by the General Board membership for a two-year term.
    9. Where there are no representatives willing to serve from members with automatic seats, the seat will be opened to a vote for a member-at-large position.
    10. If an Executive Committee member is no longer the representative appointed by the community they were elected to represent, they will lose their seat on the Executive Committee (i.e. Zone 1, Indigenous, Summer Village).
    11. Any remaining seats will be elected from the General Board Membership for a two-year term, as members-at-large.
  2. At the meeting before the Annual General Meeting, members interested in running for Board Chair or Zone representation can submit their name and information to NLLS administration. NLLS will distribute this information via email to all member municipalities and publish it on the website.
  3. At the Annual General Meeting (or election meeting) self-nominations from the floor will be accepted.
  4. If the member is unable to attend the Annual General Meeting, they are responsible to provide their information to NLLS administration. This information will be read on their behalf before the election.
  5. Each nominee will have three (3) minutes to speak and describe themselves and their desire to stand.
  6. A Board member may represent more than one (1) municipality; however, each representative has one (1) vote.
  7. If the municipality has not paid the yearly levy, the representative will not be eligible to be nominated, run for, or hold any Executive or Committee position(s), and will not be reimbursed for mileage or meeting remuneration from notification of arrears until their municipality is considered in good standing.
  8. In a municipal election year, any person elected to the Executive Committee before the Annual General Meeting will hold that position for two (2) years plus the time between their election and the Annual General Meeting.
  9. In a municipal election year and a full turnover of NLLS Board members, a letter will be sent to the municipality of the Board Chair, requesting their continuance until the next Annual General Meeting, at which a new Board Chair will be elected.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: Sep 20, 2024