Indigenous Advisory Circle Mandate Statement

General Purpose

Under the direction of the Northern Lights Library System’s (NLLS) Executive Director and oversight of the Executive Committee, and in line with its strategic direction, the NLLS Indigenous Advisory Circle will work cooperatively to provide consultation services to the NLLS Board and its Committees regarding Indigenous communities and library development within the NLLS region.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

  • Members will advise NLLS on the services provided by the system while they are, in-turn advised about those services.
  • Members will become champions of library service in their communities, communicating information about library service to key stakeholders and building relationships that will support the development of library services where they are needed.
  • Members will provide invaluable information on how best to serve Indigenous communities and will support and foster relationships between the Board and residents.

Composition and Appointment

  • Each Indigenous community is represented by one member from each Reserve or Settlement. 

  • Chair will be selected from members on a yearly rotating basis at an annual meeting. Responsibilities include:
    • Calling and chairing meeting(s)
    • Creating an agenda to be sent to group members one week prior to meeting
    • Providing minutes of NLLS Indigenous Advisory Committee to NLLS
  • Minute-taker will be selected from each community on a yearly rotating basis at the annual meeting. Responsibilities include:
    • Recording minutes and/or action plans
    • Sending draft minutes to each member of the committee in a timely fashion
  • Group members will:
    • Represent the collective interests of their community at the meetings
    • Distribute approved minutes to their own community stakeholders
    • Discuss agenda items with applicable stakeholders in their home community
  • Each community has one vote in the decision-making process
  • Decisions are finalized by majority rule 

Committee Reporting Structure

  • This is an advisory committee and is empowered to make recommendations to the NLLS Executive Committee.


  • Quarterly meetings either in-person or via videoconference in-conjunction with Executive Committee meetings.
  • Additional meetings to be held when required, via videoconference.


  • NLLS Indigenous Advisory Committee members will receive an honorarium at the same rate as the Executive Committee, in compensation for their time and efforts on behalf of the Northern Lights Library System.
  • For in-person meetings, mileage will be reimbursed based on the NLLS Travel Reimbursement Policy.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 27, 2024