
1. Purpose

Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) staff may be required to travel for work-related purposes, including site visits to Member Libraries, professional development, and other duties. This policy outlines the procedures for travel approval, reimbursement, and expense reporting.

This policy does not apply to regular delivery routes.

NLLS follows the allowance rates outlined in the Alberta Government Travel, Meal, and Hospitality Expenses Policy and the current federal mileage rate (CRA).

2. Travel for Work Purposes

  • Staff must submit travel plans and projected expenses to their department manager or director for approval prior to travel.
  • Managers will approve travel based on economic value to NLLS and must obtain Executive Director approval if costs exceed budget allocations.

3. Use of Personal Vehicles for Work Purposes

  • Employees using personal vehicles for work travel must carry business-use insurance if required by their insurance company, which NLLS will reimburse annually in accordance with the Alberta Government Travel, Meal, and Hospitality Expenses Policy.
  • Employees will be reimbursed at the current CRA mileage rate for work-related travel.

3.1 Mileage Calculation

  • For travel within NLLS’s geographical territory, mileage reimbursement begins and ends at the employee’s residence.
  • If the employee resides outside of NLLS’s geographical territory:
    • Reimbursement begins and ends at the intersection of Highway 16 and Highway 216.
  • For travel outside of NLLS’s geographical territory:
    • Mileage reimbursement begins and ends at the employee’s residence, regardless of location.
  • If the employee resides outside Alberta, mileage reimbursement begins at the Alberta border.

4. Expense Reimbursement Process

4.1 Business-Use Insurance Reimbursement

  • Employees must submit proof of business-use insurance coverage annually to receive reimbursement.
  • Reimbursement requests should be submitted with regular expense claims using the NLLS-approved format.

4.2 Travel Expense Reporting & Deadlines

  • Employees must submit expense claims no later than the 20th of each month to be included in end-of-month payments.
  • Claims submitted after the 20th will be processed at the end of the following month.
  • Original receipts must be attached to all claims unless otherwise specified in the Alberta Government Travel, Meal, and Hospitality Expenses Policy.

5. Use of Rental Vehicles for Work Purposes

  • Rental vehicles may be required if it is more cost-effective than using a personal vehicle.
  • Rentals must be pre-approved by the department manager and paid for using the NLLS corporate credit card to ensure adequate insurance coverage.

6. Overnight Accommodations

  • NLLS will reimburse overnight accommodations when pre-approved by the department manager or director.
  • In exceptional circumstances (e.g., inclement weather, road closures), approval may be retroactive.
  • Staying with family or friends instead of a hotel will be reimbursed at $50 per night.

7. Meals & Incidentals

  • Meal and incidental costs will be reimbursed based on rates outlined in the Alberta Government Travel, Meal, and Hospitality Expenses Policy.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: Feb 28, 2025