Book Allotment
Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) understands that , at their core, libraries depend on relevant, robust, and community-centred collections. One of the primary roles of a library system is to ensure that libraries maintain their collections through regular acquisitions. To this end, the Book Allotment comprises a portion of the combined board and municipal system levy and set aside for collection development at member libraries.
- The amount of the system levy set aside for Book Allotment purchases, as required by the membership agreement (schedule C, 1.2), is set by Board policy.
- The Book Allotment will be $2.15/capita of the municipal levy.
- Seven (7) percent of the Book Allotment will be allocated to purchasing electronic materials in Overdrive. NLLS staff will administer this portion of Book Allotment centrally.
- All funds should be expended each fiscal year; however, libraries may roll over unexpended funds into the first quarter of the following year. After which the funds will be transferred to the System’s collection budget.
- No purchases against Book Allotment funds will be permitted in the month of December to accommodate fiscal close.
- Purchases may be made through NLLS’s acquisitions specialist or directly by the library.
- Purchases made directly by the library are known as outside purchases.
- Outside purchases will be reimbursed to the library or a designated employee through Electronic Funds Transfer only, with proper submission of an outside purchase form with receipts.
- Items eligible for Book Allotment purchase include:
- Print materials of various formats
- Digital media in physical and electronic formats
- Materials purchased with book allotment funds must be shared with system members.
- System members with more than one (1) library (generally counties) may direct book allotment funds between their libraries at their discretion.
- Funding ratios must be provided to the NLLS administration before March 30th of each calendar year.
- Where members do not specify funding ratios the funds will be divided equally between eligible libraries.
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Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: Sep 20, 2024
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