Social Media



Policy Purpose

1. To define healthy boundaries and expectations regarding Northern Lights Library System’s (NLLS’) social media, as well as NLLS employees’ use of social media in both their personal and professional lives.


Policy Statement

  1. The use of social media and other information technology is a valuable tool by which information may be distributed to, and collected from the public at large. NLLS is committed to the responsible use of social media by its employees in the promotion of NLLS, as well as in its communication with the public.
  2. An employee’s personal and off-duty use of social media may be subject to the guidelines of this Policy.
  3. This Policy should be read in conjunction with any other related NLLS policies. Where a conflict exists between this Policy and another NLLS policy, this Policy shall prevail.



  1. An “employee” generally refers to any employee, service point staff member, volunteer, elected official, or board member of NLLS.
  2. “Social media” is broadly defined to include websites, social media sites (including but not limited to online communications, blogs, mobile applications, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and similar), emails, texts and other information technology. Social media is constantly evolving, and therefore the definition of this term should be interpreted broadly.
  3. A “posting” includes any written comment, content, or image, including but not limited to text, photographs, video, clip art, scanned images, documents, and emojis.
  4. A posting may be considered “inappropriate” if it:
    1. renders any NLLS employee unable to perform their duties satisfactorily;
    2. leads or may lead to a reasonable refusal, reluctance, or inability of an employee to work or engage with the person responsible for the posting;
    3. discloses information or provides communication that directly or indirectly harms or jeopardizes the reputation of

NLLS, or brings the reputation of NLLS into disrepute;

    1. is obscene, unduly critical, abusive, harassing, and/or defamatory;
    2. is in breach of Canada’s Criminal Code;
    3. is in breach of the Alberta Human Rights Act,
    4. expressly or impliedly discloses information in contravention of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), its regulations thereunder, or any other applicable privacy legislation;
    5. expressly or impliedly discloses confidential information of NLLS or any other person; and
    6. any other circumstances determined to be inappropriate by NLLS.

For the purposes of determining whether a posting is inappropriate, NLLS shall act reasonably and in good faith.


Promotion and Communication  

  1. Similar to more traditional forms of media and communication, only employees authorized by the Executive Director are permitted to create, operate, or manage any website or social media profile on behalf of NLLS. Further, no website or social media profile of NLLS shall be created, operated, or managed through an employee’s personal website or social media profile. Authorized employees will ensure that social media postings align with NLLS’s vision, mission, and values.
  2. To ensure consistency and accuracy throughout NLLS websites and social media, prior to posting information to social media on behalf of NLLS, the authorized employees shall confirm the accuracy of the information and compliance with all applicable policies and legislation (including, but not limited to, FOIP).
  3. NLLS reserves the right to make editorial decisions regarding postings to its websites and social media, including the removal of postings.



Network Security

  1. Employee who has been authorized by the Executive Director to create, operate, or manage any website or social media profile on behalf of NLLS, shall abide by the Password Management policy.

Personal Use of Social Media and Other Information Technologies

  1. NLLS respects and supports the privacy and autonomy of employees’ personal or off-duty use of social media, including their freedom of speech. However, if an employee’s personal or off-duty use of social media is “inappropriate” within the meaning of this Policy, then NLLS may take any action necessary in response, as though that conduct occurred within the scope of the employee’s duties. Such action may include disciplinary action, up to and including termination for just cause.
  2. At all times, NLLS employees owe a duty of fidelity and loyalty to NLLS, which prohibits employees from posting negative content critical of NLLS and/or its employees on their personal social media and/or while off-duty. If an employee has such sentiments, the employee should meet with NLLS to respectfully discuss and resolve their concerns, rather than addressing those concerns through social media or other public forums. Refusal and/or failure to adhere to the foregoing may result in disciplinary action being taken against the employee, up to and including termination for just cause.
  3. Employees’ personal or off-duty use of social media must not indicate, suggest, or imply, that their postings are in connection with, or relation to, or on behalf of, NLLS or its operations.
  4. Employees are encouraged to exercise sound judgement when personally using social media, and to use the most restrictive privacy settings available in respect to personal social media use.
  5. Employees who receive or observe negative or inappropriate postings relevant to NLLS are encouraged to advise the Executive Director.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 27, 2024