Pets In The Workplace



Pets in the workplace policy outlines the rules for bringing, caring for and supervising pets in the Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) offices.


NLLS employees may have their pets at work on designated days. The Executive Director will determine designated days and may change those days as necessary.

Compliance with this policy is required to avoid disruption to operations or damage to facilities.

This policy refers to all our employees, visitors, contractors and consultants. It applies to any space NLLS owns where employees perform their job duties.

Employees who own pets can choose to bring them to their workplace on designated days. They must consult with their Manager or Executive Director before bringing their pet to work. Pets may be permitted in the building if all of the following are true:

  1. The pet is adequately trained to be in an office working environment
  2. The owner can provide proof their pet is clean, properly vaccinated, and free of parasites
  3. The owner has ensured that their pet does not present a risk of allergy attack or other medical problems for others in the building.
  4. The owner has signed a waiver taking responsibility for any outcomes of having their pet in the office, and they have read and agree to abide by this policy.

All dogs are to be on a leash when outside the owner’s office space, and their movements restricted to their owner’s office space. Their owner is responsible for informing others of their dog’s presence, preferably with a sign.


What pets are allowed?

Office pets are usually dogs and cats, but any pet that is well-trained and not potentially dangerous or unpleasant is also allowed. Young animals are not allowed until they’re adequately trained. Pets like snakes, spiders, and bunnies (which chew up cords) are prohibited in the workplace.


Owner’s Responsibilities

Generally, NLLS wants to ensure that employees’ and their pets are cared for properly. Pet owners must clean up after their pets. They are solely responsible for their pet’s behaviour and well-being. They should supervise their pets in the workplace and always know their location.

Owners are responsible to ensure their animal does not:

  1. Make a mess
  2. Fight with other office pets
  3. Wander in prohibited places
  4. Endanger themselves or others
  5. Damage company or employee property
  6. Annoy coworkers (e.g. barking constantly, climbing on their desks)

The Manager or Executive Director will determine the seriousness of the pet’s actions. As a general rule, if the pet misbehaves three times or becomes overly aggressive, their owner may be prohibited from bringing the pet to the office again. Pet owners will be responsible for any expenses resulting from their pet’s behaviour.

Owners may leave work to walk their dogs during lunch or a designated break. The use of excessive work time to look after pets is prohibited and will result in the pet no longer being permitted at the workplace. Employees must use good judgement and make other arrangements for their pets when their schedule does not allow them to adequately supervise the animal. 

Pet owners are advised not to leave pets in their vehicles for long periods of time. In some jurisdictions, leaving pets in cars confined or unattended in conditions that may endanger them is illegal. Pet owners are obliged to know the law. When employees use company vehicles, we prohibit them from leaving pets inside, unattended and without proper ventilation, food/drink, or in extreme temperatures.


Areas where pets are prohibited

Pets are prohibited from:

  1. Offices of employees with allergies
  2. Places with sensitive equipment or material
  3. The staff room, or where food is served or exposed
  4. Meeting rooms during meetings with clients or external parties

Complaint Process

We want all employees to feel safe in their workplace. If an employee has concerns or problems resulting from a pet at work, they can follow this process:

  1. Talk to the pet’s owner in case they can resolve the problem immediately
  2. Reach out to their supervisor or manager to explain the issue
  3. Follow the grievance process if an issue remains unresolved.

This policy does not prohibit service animals (animals trained to perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability.) Qualified service dog teams must have an Alberta Service Dog Identification Card that ensures access to public places. If any problem arises because of service animals, we will make appropriate accommodations to resolve it.


Employees will not feed or interact with other employees’ pets or service animals without obtaining explicit permission from the owner.





Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 28, 2024