Policy Committee


The purpose of the Policy Review Committee of the NLLS Board is to strengthen the Board’s role in understand and leading policy governance of the Northern Lights Library System (NLLS).


To assist the NLLS Board with monitoring the policy guidelines of NLLS and to facilitate the Board’s understanding of policy governance.

To review and recommend for approval to the NLLS Board new and/or revised governance policies as required or recommended.

To review and recommend for approval to the NLLS Board the annual schedule for policy review with a three (3) year framework to ensure an ongoing process of policy review.

To review and recommend for approval to the NLLS Board direction and best practices applicable to the various Alberta Legislation and Standards specifically including the Alberta Libraries Act and the Alberta Library Legislation.


The NLLS Board shall appoint five (5) members to the Policy Committee as per policy Sec 2,1H Committee of the Board.

The Policy Committee shall appoint the Chair.

The Executive Director will serve as support and resource.


At each meeting, minutes shall be taken and meeting minutes shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee and Board.

Recommendations for all policy are to be forward to Executive Committee for approval to submit for approval by the NLLS Board.

All polices are on a one (1) year review cycle.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 28, 2024