Plan of Service Committee



The purpose of the Plan of Service Committee is to develop a strategic plan for the library system. A plan of service, or strategic plan, is required by provincial library regulations and must be filed with the Minister every 3-years.



Through consultation with stakeholders, the committee will:  

  1. Develop the Plan of Service
  2. Review the plan annually.



The NLLS Board will appoint three (3) members to the Plan of Service Committee in addition to the Board Chair and Vice Chair, as per policy Sec 2, 1H Committees of the Board.

The Board Chair and Vice Chair will serve as the same on the Plan of Service Committee. The Executive Director will serve as a support and resource to the committee.



At each meeting, minutes shall be taken, and meeting minutes shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee. The Plan of Service is to be reviewed by the Executive Committee. Final approval and adoption of the Plan of Service will be made by the Board.



Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 28, 2024