Advocacy Committee


The purpose of the Advocacy Committee of the Northern Lights Library Board (NLLB), is to develop advocacy measures to continually promote Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) and the member libraries.


Executive Committee to give direction and priority to the Advocacy Committee.

Develop an Advocacy plan and an Advocacy toolkit for Executive Committee approval, containing advocacy documents that can be used by all members.

Advocacy opportunities are on-going and will be reviewed on a continuing basis. A formal review of advocacy issues will be undertaken at the committee's yearly organizational meeting.

To utilize the Alberta Library Trustee Association (ALTA) toolkit and resources as appropriate.


The NLLS Board will appoint five (5) members to the Advocacy Committee as per policy Sec 2, 1H Committee of the Board.

The Advocacy Committee shall appoint the Chair and Vice Chair.

The Executive Director will serve as support and resource


At each meeting, minutes shall be taken and meeting minutes shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee.

Recommendations for advocacy are to be forwarded to the Executive Committee for approval to be submitted for approval by the NLLS Board.


Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 28, 2024