Loan of Resources Policy
The intent of this policy is to make the widest possible selection of library items available to all patrons of the Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) Community Library, and to ensure that library items are returned in good condition and in a timely manner.
- All guidelines, regulations and other obligations of participation relating to inter-library loans (ILLs) through other organizations, including The Regional Automation Consortium (TRAC), The Alberta Library (TAL), and the ME Libraries Program, will be respected by the NLLS Community Library and its staff. NLLS Community Library policy applies only to items owned by NLLS.
- Materials must be checked out in the Integrated Library System (ILS) software before leaving library premises.
- Library cards are issued to individuals living within member municipalities of Northern Lights Library System. Valid government issued ID and proof of address must be presented to obtain a library card.
- A cardholder must present his or her library card (physical or electronic) to borrow materials. Cardholders must give prior written approval for anyone else to pick up materials on their behalf.
- All hard copy materials may be borrowed for a standard period of three (3) weeks.
- Digital resources not provided by the library system may be borrowed for a period as stipulated by the content provider.
- Items in the Reference collection or items deemed by the Library Manager to be irreplaceable may be designated non-circulating.
- A maximum of two (2) renewals per item are permitted.
- An item may not be renewed if another cardholder in the library system has placed a hold on that item.
- Renewals may not be possible for ILL items;
- Extended due dates may be granted upon checkout at the discretion of the Library Manager or designate in the event of holiday travel, anticipated hospitalization or recuperation, or other absences.
- Further renewals may be granted at the discretion of the Library Manager or designate in the event of exceptional circumstances.
- Renewals may be made in person, over the phone, or via the Library’s online catalogue.
- It is the responsibility of cardholders to ensure items are returned on time.
- Cardholders are encouraged to inform the library immediately about lost or damaged items.
- The library manager determines the type and amount of damage required to discard and replace an item.
- If a replacement is required, the cardholder may be charged the purchase price of the book as listed in the library’s
- Replacement charges may be waived at the library manager’s discretion (for instance, if an exact replacement copy in new or pristine condition is provided by the cardholder).
- If an item is found by a cardholder after the replacement costs have been paid, that item becomes the property of the cardholder and cannot be returned to the library for reimbursement.
- A cardholder’s borrowing privileges will be suspended when their total fines are equal to or greater than ten ($10.00) dollars.
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Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 28, 2024
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