NLLS Levy Arrears


Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) is funded through levy memberships. These levies are defined in our Master Agreement. Annual payments for the municipalities are due on January 30, and for library boards on June 30.


Non-payment of the Municipal and/or Library Levy may result in the following actions:

  1. 30 days in arrears
    • A letter with this policy attached is sent to the municipal council, CAO, and library board chair, informing them they have 45 days before their representative will be suspended from NLLS committees unless payment is received.
  2. 60 days in arrears
    • A second notice of arrears and interest (at a rate of 2 percent/per month simple interest) invoice will be sent to the municipal council, CAO, and Library Board chair.
  3. 75 days in arrears
    • The Municipal or Library Board representative will be suspended from NLLS committees until payment is received.
  4. 90 days in arrears
    • A second interest invoice and third notice of arrears letter are to be sent to the municipal council and CAO, and the Library Board chair
    • Municipal or Library Board representatives may be removed from NLLS committees, and a replacement representative may be elected as needed.
  5. 120 days in arrears
    • Library Services to the municipality will be discontinued.
  6. 150 days in arrears
    • A letter will be sent to the municipal council, CAO, and Library Board chair, asking them to clarify their intention regarding their membership in the library system.
  7. 180 days in arrears
    • Northern Lights Library System will exercise its right to terminate the membership as per the Master Agreement.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: Dec 11, 2024