- The budget shall be consistent with the Northern Lights Library System’s (NLLS) Plan of Service.
- NLLS Administration and Executive Committee shall prepare a three (3) year projected budget annually.
- The budget will direct fund reserve accounts according to the Finance Funds Account policy and approval of the Board.
- The Executive Director, Finance Officer, and other department managers prepare the budget with the Board Treasurer.
- Proposed Budget(s) are reviewed with the Executive Committee before being sent to the Board for approval.
- In conformity with the Libraries Act, the Board will approve the annual budget by November 30 in the year preceding the budget year.
- After the budget is approved by the Board, it will be sent to all NLLS member communities and library boards.
- The budget may be revised from time-to-time by the Executive Committee and submitted to the next Board meeting for approval.
- The Executive Director has the flexibility to move operational funds as required between budget lines, if it falls within the overall approved budget of each section.
- The Executive Director will note these reallocations with the monthly financial reporting.
- Budget Process Timeline:
Who is Responsible
Executive Committee
Review Auditor Report
Executive Director
Gather input from department managers
Executive Director & Finance Officer
Review information
Executive Director & Finance Officer & Treasurer
Create proposed budget
Executive Committee
Reviews budget and returns as necessary until they can recommend forwarding to the Board for approval.
NLLS Board
Preliminary approval
June to August
Treasurer & Administration
Budget Questions feedback; Letters sent to library boards and councils indicating levy intentions and anticipated levies in the coming year.
NLLS Board
Final Review and approval
Links & Files
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