Corporate Credit Cards




  1. Corporate Credit cards may be authorized by the Executive Director, Finance Officer, and Board Chairman for employees who travel regularly or make specific purchases where a credit card is required.
  2. Credit cards may be used for budgeted expenses only.
  3. The Cumulative Credit Card limit shall not exceed $50,000.
  4. Fuel Credit Cards are to be used for NLLS Vehicles only and are not to exceed a $5000 limit.

The points accumulated from the credit card reward program(s) will be recorded as revenue in the annual NLLS budget.

Credit Card Usage

    1. Any employee with an NLLS credit card issued to them must sign Appendix B, Credit Card Policy Acknowledgment form.
    2. Use of NLLS credit cards is a privilege that NLLS may withdraw at any time, with or without cause.
    3. Upon an employee’s termination of employment at NLLS, all cards must be returned to the NLLS Administration department for cancellation and proper disposal.
    4. The employee in possession of a NLLS credit card is solely responsible for all purchases on the card and for ensuring that the card is not used by unauthorized personnel.
    5. Any credit card NLLS has issued to an employee must be used for business purposes only, and for purposes in conjunction with the employee’s job duties. Employees with such credit cards shall not use them for any non-business purposes. Non-business purchases are considered any purchases that are not for the benefit of the NLLS.
    6. The employee possessing the credit card is responsible for receiving, printing, and retaining all receipts related to purchases made on the credit card. If a receipt is lost, a written description of the items and the purchase cost must be maintained and submitted in the same manner as a regular receipt.
    7. Original paper receipts are the preferred method of documentation.
    8. Digital copies of receipts are acceptable.
    9. Receipts must be turned in to administration within one (1) week of returning to work.
    10. All receipts should be labelled with a description of what the purchase was for to ensure proper accounting of the purchase. Any receipts for meals or entertainment must be attached to a paper that clearly indicates the names of all persons attending the meal or entertainment and the business purpose of such event.

  1. Personal charges
    1. If any employee uses a NLLS credit card or other funds for a personal purchase in violation of this policy, the cost of such purchase(s) will be considered an advance of future wages payable to that employee and will be deducted in full, from the employee’s next paycheck.
    2. If any employee uses a NLLS credit card or other funds for a non-personal purchase that is not within the scope of the employee’s duties or the employee’s authorization to make business-related purchases, the cost of such purchase(s) will be the financial responsibility of that employee unless otherwise expressed in writing by the Executive Director. The employee will be expected to reimburse NLLS via deductions from pay until the unauthorized amount is fully repaid.

    1. In addition to financial responsibility and liability for wage deductions, any purchases an employee makes with a company credit card in violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and possibly including termination of employment.

  1. Reimbursement of Employee Personal Funds
    1. All approved company transactions paid by employee personal funds will be reimbursed by direct deposit provided the employee submits all receipts and applicable expense forms within six (6) months of incurred expense.

  1. Loyalty and Credit Card Points
    1. Employees will use their corporate credit card for NLLS purchases whenever practical.
    2. Employees who use personal credit cards or loyalty programs (restaurants, hotels, retailers, etc.) when purchasing on NLLS's behalf may use these points at their own discretion.
    3. NLLS will not claim rewards, points, or other loyalty incentives incurred by employees when they make transactions on NLLS's behalf unless the employee uses a system credit card.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 28, 2024