Board Honoraria and Expenses
1. Purpose
Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) provides honoraria and expense reimbursement to Board-authorized members for attending committee meetings, conferences, and other Board-approved functions. This policy ensures transparency, fairness, and compliance with NLLS governance priorities.
2. Honoraria for Board Members
- Regular Board Meetings: No honoraria are provided.
- Committee Meetings: Honoraria are provided for Board-authorized members attending:
- Executive Committee – $100 per meeting
- Board Standing Committees – $100 per meeting
- Board Ad Hoc Committees – $100 per meeting
- Committee Chairs – $150 per meeting
- Online Meetings Under 60 Minutes – $75 per meeting
- Online Meetings Over 60 Minutes – Follow regular committee honoraria rates ($100 per meeting)
- Maximum Daily Honorarium Cap:
- When a Board member attends multiple paid meetings in the same day, the total honorarium shall not exceed $250 per day.
- Library Managers’ Council (LMC) Chair and Executive Honorarium:
- The Chair of the Library Managers’ Council will receive $100 per Board meeting attended, to a maximum of $250 per day.
- The library of LMC Executive members will receive a $100 honorarium for participation in up to 3 meetings annual with NLLS administration.
- Board Chair Honorarium:
- The NLLS Board Chair will receive an honorarium of $100 per month, paid annually at the AGM or upon resignation.
3. Expense Reimbursement
- NLLS reimburses Board members for expenses incurred when attending:
- Committee meetings
- Board-authorized functions, including conferences
- Meals, mileage, and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed as outlined in the NLLS Travel Policy (Sec 1, 4B).
4. Claim Submission Process & Deadline
- Board members must submit honoraria and expense claims within 30 days of the meeting or event.
- Claims must include receipts for eligible expenses where required.
5. Preapproval for Conference & External Meeting Expenses
- Board members must obtain Executive Committee approval before incurring expenses for:
- Conferences
- External meetings
- Other professional development opportunities
- NLLS does not pay honoraria for attending conferences or meetings unless preapproved by motion of the Executive Committee.
6. Professional Development Funding for the Board Chair
- NLLS allocates up to $2,500 per year for the Board Chair (or their designate) to attend professional development opportunities.
- Funding must be approved by motion of the Executive Committee before expenses are incurred.
7. Transparency & Conflict of Interest
- The Board Chair must report all meeting attendance and expense claims in their regular report to the Executive Committee.
- Board members may not receive duplicate compensation from multiple sources for the same meeting or event.
Links & Files
Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: Feb 28, 2025
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