Annual Agenda
1. Purpose
The Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) Board follows an annual agenda to ensure the systematic and effective fulfillment of its governance responsibilities. The agenda aligns with Board policies and focuses on governance priorities, financial oversight, policy development, and strategic planning.
For additional governance processes and procedures, refer to:
- Governance and Policy Development Policy (Sec 2, 1B)
- Policy Committee Policy (Sec 2, 1F)
- Budget Policy (Sec 3, 1A)
- Executive Director Evaluation Committee Policy (Sec 2, 1J)
- Executive Director Evaluation Policy (Sec 2, 1K)
2. Annual Board Meeting Schedule
February Board Meeting
- Review and ratification of Provincial Library Services Branch (PLSB) reports for NLLS and its service points.
May Board Meeting
- Organizational meeting, election of officers, and appointment of the Executive Committee, other Board committees and appointment of other representatives (e.g. Alberta Library Trustee Association).
- Review and approval of audited financial statements.
- Preliminary review of the draft budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
August Board Meeting
- Approval of the final budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
November Board Meeting
- Annual review of the Plan of Service and Implementation Plan for the upcoming year.
- In municipal election years, interim-board appointments may be made as necessary.
3. Plan of Service Review & Submission
- Annual Review: The Board will review the Plan of Service annually at the November Board Meeting to assess progress and ensure alignment with organizational and community needs.
- Submission Requirement: In accordance with the Alberta Libraries Regulation, the Plan of Service must be formally updated and submitted every five years to the Provincial Library Services Branch (PLSB).
4. Board Responsibilities Throughout the Year
The Board will also address the following governance responsibilities as required:
- Policy evaluation, review, and revision in accordance with the Governance and Policy Development Policy (Sec 2, 1B).
- Board member orientation and ongoing education.
5. Responsibilities Delegated to the Executive Committee
Certain governance functions are delegated to the Executive Committee, as outlined in the Executive Committee Policy:
- Annual evaluation of the Executive Director, as detailed in the Executive Director Evaluation Policy (Sec 2, 1K).
- Approval and submission of PLSB annual reports to the Government of Alberta.
- Review and allocation of system financial investments, as outlined in the Budget Policy (Sec 3, 1A).
6. Special & Emergency Meetings
- The Board may call special or emergency meetings as required, in accordance with the Governance and Policy Development Policy (Sec 2, 1B).
7. Policy Review & Compliance
- The Board and its committees will conduct regular policy reviews as outlined in the Policy Committee Policy (Sec 2, 1F).
- The Executive Director will ensure compliance with Board policies and governance priorities.
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