Policy: Role of Executive Committee


Section: NLLS Board | Chapter: Vision and Policy Statements | Page(s): 2


Reviewed: 2021/03/30 | Revised: 2021/05/29 | Effective: 2017/05/13

  1. Within existing policy, the Executive Committee has the freedom to act as needed and fulfills the function of the Northern Lights Library Board between Board meetings so as never to interfere with Board policy, bylaws, or budget. The Board will respect and support any reasonable interpretation of Board policy by the Executive Committee.
    1. Lead strategic planning for NLLS, including the development of the Plan of Service. The Executive does not have the power to change the Plan of Service once it is set by the whole board.
    2. Prepare personnel, financial and facility framework, and policy statements.
    3. Act on behalf of the NLLS Board at provincial meetings or when presenting recommendations on provincial library policy.
    4. The Executive committee has the authority to hire the Executive Director.
    5. The Executive committee is responsible for the on-going evaluation of the Executive Director's performance based on organizational performance, based on implementation of plan of service, policy, and budget.
    6. The Executive committee has authority to terminate the Executive Director:
      1. Prior to a termination decision the Executive Committee shall seek, as a check and balance, input from the Grievance committee (excluding the Vice Chair)
      2. Two (2) members of the Executive Committee, determined by the Executive Committee, shall present the Grievance Committee with all stated facts so they may deliberate on the matter.
      3. At its discretion, the Grievance Committee may meet and speak with the Executive Director.
      4. After a thorough review of said facts, the Grievance Committee shall submit a written recommendation back to the Executive Committee to provide sober second thought on Executive Committee’s decision.
      5. The Board Chair will call a special meeting of the Executive Committee to review the Grievance Committee recommendation and to make the final decision to terminate or not.
  1. The Executive Committee will be responsible for the orientation and professional development.
  2. The Executive sets the agenda for Board meetings and reports to the Board on actions taken.
  3. The Executive will ensure that minutes are taken of all Executive meetings and that draft and approved minutes are made available to the general membership.
  4. From its membership, the Executive Committee shall elect a Vice-Chair for the Board at the first Executive Committee meeting after the Board's organizational meeting.
  5. The Executive Committee will appoint from within, a Treasurer to serve as a liaison between Administration and the Board pertaining specifically to the Overall NLLS Budget.
  6. The Board Chair or in their absence, the Vice Chair, may call a special meeting of the Executive Committee as required, or at the request of two (2) or more members of the Executive Committee.
  7. No business shall be transacted at meetings of the Executive Committee unless a quorum of the members is present. The quorum for the Executive Committee shall be a simple majority of members. The Executive Director or designate shall be present with the exception of in camera session that is about the Executive Director.
  8. NLLS's Executive Committee may have a maximum of ten (10) members as permitted by The Libraries Regulations.
  9. Should a sitting member of the Executive Committee be unable to continue as a member of the committee prior to the conclusion of their two (2) year term, representatives from that municipality or group of municipalities may appoint a new representative to the Executive Committee at the next board meeting.

  1. Absence due to resignation or disappointment (removal) of the Board Chair, will result in the Vice-Chair assuming responsibilities until the next general board meeting. At this time, a new Board Chair will be elected from the general board membership for the remainder of the current term.
  2. Absence due to resignation or disappointment (removal) of the Board Chair and Vice- Chair, will result in the remaining Executive Committee members to elect an interim Board Chair until such time as a new Board Chair is elected by the general board membership.


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