Participation in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)



Purpose of Policy

To inform the Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) employees about participation expectations in health and safety issues and to ensure that employees are included on the Health and Safety Committee. This policy is consistent with and complies with Alberta OHS regulations.

Policy Statement

  1. NLLS will ensure their employees are aware of their rights and duties under Occupational Health and Safety legislation, including the right to participate.
  2. NLLS will ensure that all employees are adequately trained in all matters necessary to protect their health and safety.
  3. Employees are required to participate in health and safety training.
  4. Employees will actively prevent health and safety problems by reporting workplace hazards, unsafe behaviors, faulty equipment or any other health and safety issue that they discover, and will follow NLLS’S incident reporting procedures.
  5. NLLS is responsible for resolving work site health and safety issues brought forward by employees, in a timely manner.
  6. NLLS involves employees in the hazard assessment process.
  7. Employees are required to participate by providing relevant information for hazard identification, assessment and control. Employees will participate in a review of their hazard assessment annually, or if their workspace changes or they begin a different job.
  8. NLLS will involve all employees, at all levels, in health and safety discussions at staff meetings, during orientation, at training sessions, incident investigations, at hazard assessment reviews and at library related workshops.
  9. NLLS management will designate a Health and Safety Representative/Committee as per Alberta OHS legislation.
  10. Self-employed or contract individuals are required to actively participate in identifying and helping to prevent work site health and safety issues by reporting situations to NLLS.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 28, 2024