Policy: Substance Abuse


Section: NLLS Employee(s) | Chapter: Code of Ethics | Page(s): 2

Subject: SUBSTANCE ABUSE | Sec 1, 3W

Reviewed: 2022/07/08 | Revised: 2022/08/26 | Effective: 2018/09/08

The purpose of this policy is to establish Northern Lights Library System’s (NLLS) expectations for appropriate behavior regarding illicit substance use, the consequences for non-compliance, and to provide consistent guidelines for employees.

Employees have the responsibility to report to work capable of performing their tasks productively and safely and to ensure that no employee or member of the      public are potentially put at greater risk as a consequence of drug (legal or illegal) or alcohol usage.


For the purposes of this policy contractors, volunteers, and members at large appointed to the various boards, committees, and delegations, shall also be subject to this policy.

An employee would be considered under the influence of drugs if they have taken an illicit substance and are:

      1. unable to perform in a fully productive manner or
      2. in a physical or mental condition that creates a risk to the safety and well-being of an individual, the property of NLLS, or the public.
      3. displaying signs or symptoms of substance abuse.

Appropriate Conduct Respecting Drugs and Alcohol

  1. While on the job, or using NLLS property or equipment:
    1. No employee(s) may use, possess, distribute, sell or be under the influence  of alcohol, cannabis or illegal drugs. This includes meal periods and scheduled breaks.
    2. The legal use of prescribed and/or over the counter drugs are permitted at work when medically appropriate, if it does not impair the employee's ability to perform their work.
    3. Employees are required to disclose to the Department Manager the use of prescription drugs which may affect their work performance or the safe execution of their duties. NLLS is committed to accommodating an employee’s necessary use of prescription drugs to the extent reasonably possible without suffering undue hardship.
    4. The Executive Director may authorize the consumption of alcoholic beverages by employees during working hours (e.g. social events).
    5. In all situations, where NLLS believes an employee is unfit to be at the workplace, they will take appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the employee and all others.

Treatment and Accommodation

  1. Any employee suffering from a drug, alcohol or cannabis addiction is strongly encouraged to disclose the addiction to the Executive Director and/or their immediate Department Manager.
  2. NLLS recognizes its responsibility to assist and accommodate an employee suffering from an illness/addiction due to alcohol, cannabis or drugs to the extent reasonably   possible without suffering undue hardship.
  3. Employees who are concerned that a fellow employee may be suffering from a drug, cannabis or alcohol addiction are strongly encouraged to report their concerns  to the Executive Director and/or their Department Manager.

Obligations and Enforcement of this Policy

  1. NLLS views the rules contained in this policy to be of the utmost importance. Any deviation from the above terms by an employee will result in immediate action that may include disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

  1. All Employees will be provided with a copy of this policy as notification, and any resulting dismissal will be considered as "dismissal with cause" and not subject to notice   or remuneration in lieu.
  2. NLLS will support employees that seek voluntary assistance with a substance addiction including the appropriate use of extended health benefits.

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