Emergency Management
- The Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) will follow government authority directives regarding an emergency. NLLS management will regularly monitor emergencies and communicate to all NLLS employees: alerts, directives and guidelines issued by relevant government authorities.
- When an emergency has been declared, flexible work shifts and/or working remotely may be assigned to employees by NLLS supervisors to minimize personal risks.
- If
- At risk employees, as defined by authorities, must advise their manager of their personal risk during a public emergency. The employee's manager will organize an alternate work assignment that addresses the employee's safety needs and meets the operational needs of NLLS. Criteria for a change in working conditions or emergency leave (ie. Looking after a compromised family member) would be mandated through the provincial or federal authorities.
- All employees are required to be vigilant of their own personal risk during a declared public emergency
- All employees will ensure they understand and comply with emergency prevention and mitigation policies and practices in the workplace.
- When government authority directives dictate facility closures, the Executive Director will promptly inform employees when access to NLLS facilities will be controlled or limited. These changes will remain in place until government authorities announce a relaxation of these directives. Return to the workplace will be communicated by the Executive Director.
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Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: May 29, 2024
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