NLLS Vehicles

  1. Overview

    This policy outlines the use of Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) vehicles by employees. Employees may be permitted or required to drive NLLS vehicles to perform their jobs.


  2. Employees must be eighteen (18) years of age or older to operate a NLLS vehicle.
  3. All employees who operate a NLLS vehicle must possess a valid Canadian driver’s license suitable for the vehicle being operated
  4. Employees who hold a GDL driver’s license or equivalent are not permitted to drive cargo vehicles. 
  5. Employees must provide a signed driver’s abstract consent form annually; Appendix S –Driver Abstract Consent form.
  6. All new hires may be required to supply a five (5) year loss experience letter. This is a “Claims Experience Letter” requested from their insurance company.
  7. Employees must notify NLLS immediately of any change in the status of their driver’s license or their insurability. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary measures, up to and including termination.
  8. Usage

  9. All Employees must complete a vehicle tracking sheet with each use of a NLLS vehicle.
  10. Employees may start or end at the closer destination (headquarters or home) when using a NLLS vehicle outside of normal business hours.
  11. NLLS vehicle usage must be approved by department manager or Executive Director with paper or electronic approval.
  12. Vehicles must be signed out appropriately with each use.
  13. The Executive Director’s use of NLLS vehicles is outlined by employment contract. Usage outside the employment contract must be approved by the Board Chair.
  14. Employees must acknowledge that NLLS vehicles may be monitored and tracked by GPS and/or other monitoring systems. 
  15. Employees are responsible for adhering to the rules of the road and for ensuring the vehicle is operated in a safe manner in accordance with local laws and regulations, including those related to speed limits and parking. Employees are personally responsible for any fines related to parking, speed, or other traffic infractions incurred while in control of the vehicle.
  16. Rental for Personal Usage

  17. Daily rates will be set annually and based on the lowest price of an economy car rentals from rental companies at the Edmonton International airport.
  18. Employees may utilize an NLLS vehicle on a cost recovery basis for personal use, if:
        1. They sign a personal use vehicle contract, and clearly indicate the date(s) of usage.
        2. They obtain authorization from their Department Manager or Executive Director, and the vehicle is not booked for company business. Company business will always take precedence.
        3. They meet all eligibility requirements to use a NLLS vehicle.
        4. They return the vehicle with a full tank of gas at their own expense.
        5. They return the vehicle at the same level of cleanliness as loaned.
        6. They report any damage in a timely manner to the NLLS administration.
        7. Vehicles damaged during personal use may result in future suspension of vehicle usage, and in cases of negligence or deliberate misuse, disciplinary measures, up to and including termination.
        8. Damages to vehicles where an insurance claim is necessary may require the staff member to pay the insurance deductible.
        9. Vehicles operated for personal use are subject to all other NLLS policies.
  19. Fleet Replacement

  20. NLLS may replace passenger vehicles at 150,000km or five (5) years whichever comes first.
  21. NLLS may replace cargo vehicles at 250,000km or three (3) years whichever comes first.
  22. Based on available funding, vehicle reliability, and/or safety record, the vehicle’s replacement time may be extended or shortened.
  23. NLLS administration shall consider environmental sustainability when purchasing new or replacement vehicles.
  24. Divestment of NLLS vehicles will follow the Sale of Capital Items policy. 

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: Sep 20, 2024