Performance Management



  1. Performance reviews
  1. Managers, supervisors, and employees are strongly encouraged to discuss job performance and goals on an informal, day-to-day basis.
  2. A performance review of each employee will be conducted annually at a time and date agreed upon by the Department Manager and the employee. Performance reviews take place during the probationary period and once a year thereafter (generally at the end of the calendar year).
  3. The performance review shall involve a review of the employee’s job description, a review of the goals set during the previous review, and the setting of new goals for the coming year. The performance review will take into account the employee’s ability to perform the tasks listed in the job description and the completion of goals set. The performance review process will allow for employee input and collaboration.
  4. The Executive Director will review and sign all performance evaluations.
  5. A copy of the signed performance review shall be placed in the employee’s confidential personnel file.
  1. Employee Discipline
    1. Any employee who contravenes Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) policy, or acts in an unprofessional manner may be subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions may include:
      1. Verbal warnings
      2. Written warnings
      3. Suspension with or without pay
      4. Dismissal or
      5. Such other action or penalty as may be appropriate and permitted by law under the circumstances.
    2. Each verbal or written warning will clearly indicate the potential consequences should the undesirable behavior continue or recur.
    3. While an incident of sufficient seriousness may warrant immediate dismissal, NLLS policy is to adhere to the following disciplinary procedures:
  1. Verbal Warning – The department manager will counsel with the offending employee regarding the unprofessional behavior. The warning will be documented, initialed, and placed in the employee’s personnel file by the Executive Director.
    • Verbal warnings will be excused from the employee(s) record after 365 days but retained in the file.
  2. Written Warning - a written notice to cease and discontinue unprofessional activity will be documented, initialed by the employee, manager, and Executive Director, and placed in the employee’s personnel file. Managers will review the warning with the employee at 30, 60, and 90 days after the written warning is issued.
    • Written warnings will stay in the employees file indefinitely; however, after three (3) years they will not count towards the employee’s progressive discipline.
    • Second Written Warning - a formal disciplinary meeting with the offending employee, Executive Director, and department manager will be held to decide specific changes, desired outcomes, and establish a time frame for review of the written warning. All other procedures with a first written warning apply.
    • Three (3) written warnings within one (1) year may be grounds for termination.
  3. Any documentation regarding harassment or serious safety violations will stay in employee(s) file(s) indefinitely, and may be applied towards employee progressive discipline.

  1. The Executive Director of NLLS or delegate who is authorized in writing will make all final decisions regarding an employee’s termination.

Answered By: Terri Hampson
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024