Violence and Harassment
Policy Statement: Employees or any member of the public shall not subject any person to workplace violence or allow or create conditions that support workplace violence.
- Acts of violence and harassment can take the form of physical contact or non physical behaviours and can include but would not be limited to:
- Threatening behaviour - such as shaking fists, destroying property or throwing objects
- Verbal or written threats - any expression of an intent to inflict harm
- Harassment - any behaviour that demeans, embarrasses, humiliates, annoys, alarms or verbally abuses a person and that is known or would be expected to be unwelcome. This includes words, gestures, intimidation, bullying or other inappropriate activities.
- Verbal abuse - swearing, insults or condescending language
- Physical attacks - hitting, shoving, pushing or kicking.
- Supervisors at every level must be knowledgeable about and sensitive to the many forms that violence and harassment can take. It may in fact be unintended: the test is whether a reasonable person knows or ought to have known that the recipient would consider the behaviour unwelcome or offensive.
Guidelines and Procedures
- Staff faced with an urgent situation involving threatening of violent conduct, where there is reasonable belief that the safety of persons may be threatened, should contact the police immediately.
- Acts of violence or harassment:
- will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
- Are considered to be a serious offence and must be reported immediately to your supervisor or the board chair so that appropriate action can be taken
- Victims subjected to acts of harassment or violence are advised to access any assistance they may require in order to pursue a complaint.
- The Board shall:
- Investigate reported incidents of violence of harassment in a timely and objective manner
- Take actions that will prevent such an incidence reoccurring.
- Provide appropriate support for victims