Performance Appraisal



The Library Board recognizes the value of regular performance evaluation as an important means of guiding employee development and charting opportunities for improvement and progression. Performance evaluations will be conducted in accordance with the requirements this policy.

Performance appraisals will be timely, confidential, based on performance related to key competencies and achievements and must objectively measure and evaluate performance while providing a forum for dialogue and feedback.


The Performance Appraisal is a periodic evaluation of an employee’s performance of key competencies through demonstrated job behaviors related to their role. The purpose of evaluating employees’ performance is to identify and review performance requirements, to assess employees’ level of accomplishment in the required competencies, to identify performance/learning goals and to generally communicate to employees how they are doing their job. In turn the employee is able to identify their job satisfaction, self-evaluate their opportunities for growth/improvement and communicate their job-related needs and desires.

Employees are most likely to be successful performers when they clearly understand their job responsibilities, know what level of performance is required and receive consistent feedback. The performance appraisal is a participatory process between an employee and supervisor which can serve as a valuable supervisory tool.


  1. The Library Director is responsible for:

    • Defining and documenting job performance standards
    • Communicating the standards to each employee
    • Training and coaching employees to achieve the standards
    • Preparing objective data to review regularly regarding performance
    • Establishing and maintaining a climate of respect that encourages employees to develops so they may achieve their full potential in their role

  1. The Library Director both during the probationary period and annual thereafter will complete a written performance evaluation for each employee utilizing the approved performance evaluation tools of the organization.

  1. The Board will conduct upon completion of the probationary period, and annually thereafter a performance review for the Library Director, utilizing the approved performance evaluation tools of the organization.


    • Formal performance appraisals will be done prior to the end of the probationary period and annually on an employee’s employment anniversary. Certain situations may require more frequent performance appraisals and performance improvement plans.

    • The performance appraisal will be conducted by the employee’s immediate supervisor with confidential input from peers and key stakeholders to provide a well-rounded and informed opinion of the employee’s performance, accomplishments, and opportunities for improvement.

    • The performance appraisal will be signed by both the employee and the supervisor.

    • The original performance appraisal will be placed on file, a copy of the goals will be given to the employee.
    • The Library Director' annual performance appraisal will be conducted by a designated member of the Library Board and must receive the majority approval of the Board.


  • Last Updated Feb 03, 2023
  • Views 25
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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