Wellness Spending Account



All eligible Library Staff will have the opportunity to apply for use of an annual Wellness Spending Account to enhance their personal wellbeing.


The purpose of this benefit is to provide eligible employees support for their personal development and well-being, from either physical, mental (including educational), emotional, or social perspectives.


  • All Regular Full-Time employees, upon completion of their probationary period plus 3 months of employment, or
  • Regular Part-time employees who work 25 hours/week or more, upon completion of their probationary period plus 3 months of employment.
  • Any employee changing employment status from full-time to part-time must meet the hours of work threshold to qualify for this benefit in a part-time capacity.
  • Employees classified as Casual, Student Employment or those on extended approved leave status do not qualify for this benefit.


Examples of eligible programs or services are appended for reference but are not intended to be an exhaustive list for consideration of eligibility or ineligibility.

Attendance at all approved and funded activities, programs or services are to be undertaken on the employee’s personal time. Paid work time will not be authorized for such attendance.


  1. The employee must complete a Personal Development Assistance Application, outlining the proposed program/materials and how this endeavour will enhance their personal development.
  2. The Library Director will review the Application with the employee and ascertain if it meets the criteria for approval as well as how it will in turn enhance workplace performance for the individual.
  3. The Application if recommended for approval by the Library Director will be forwarded to the Human Resources Committee of the Board for final review and authorization.

  1. Upon Authorization any eligible receipts provided by the employee for reimbursement will be approved by the Library Director within the policy guidelines and reimbursed to the employee through the normal payroll financial procedure.
  2. It must be noted that there is no guarantee of approval for any or all applications and any employee undertaking a financial obligation prior to approval is personally responsible for that expense and has no recourse against the Library Board if approval is not forthcoming.
  3. Each eligible employee may apply once annually for this fiscal support and the same application and vetting procedure will apply.
  4. Any Wellness Spending Account payments will be handled in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency regulations for taxation purposes.
  5. The Wellness Spending Account value of $250.00 will be determined annually by the Board through the budgetary process.
  6. The Board may review its ability to continue this program on an ongoing basis and such benefit may cease at any time as determined necessary or prudent by the Board.
  • Last Updated Feb 02, 2023
  • Views 11
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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