Employment Practices



The authority and responsibility for the selection, appointment, promotion, dismissal or other disciplinary action of the Library Manager is that of the Library Board. 

1.1       Recruitment

When a managers position becomes vacant the Board shall:

1.1.1    Review the need for the position;

1.1.2    Develop or revise the job description; with the input and direction of the Library Manager.

1.1.3    Review the job description and qualifications required of the position

1.1.4    Advertise the vacant position.

1.2       Appointments

All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. The appointment of the  Library Manager is made by the board. All employees are employed by the Board. The successful candidate will be notified by a telephone call. An offer letter outlining the starting date and salary will confirm the appointment. 

       1.3            Position Classification

Managers position has been analysed, classified and salaries are reviewed annually.  Positions are reviewed periodically to account for change in duties and to remove inequities.  A request for review may be made to the Board Chairperson.

            1.4       Nepotism

Employment shall be regulated to avoid favouritism or nepotism that may occur between employees who are related to one another.  An employee is prohibited from directly supervising her spouse or other relative.  Direct supervision is considered to be that which involves assignment of duties, completion of performance review or related responsibilities.

        1.5    Probation

The Library Manager shall complete a probationary period of three months. The Board shall retain the right to extend the probationary period to a maximum of six months. After a written evaluation of the employees work performance, the Board will approve either an action of dismissal or an appointment to permanent status. 

1.6       Responsibility of the Staff

The primary duty of the Library is to serve the public.  All contacts with the public are to be handled in a friendly and courteous manner.  Every employee is a public relations officer for the library and has an important role to play in developing and maintaining good public relations.  It is, therefore, important that all employees be well groomed and properly dressed in manner appropriate to the job.

The library staff/volunteers will dress appropriately. Business casual is an acceptable standard of dress.

1.7       Dismissal

Library Managers are dismissed or suspended by the Board.  Employees may be dismissed by the Library Manager for incompetence, constant documented rudeness to patrons and/or staff, noncompliance with library policies and procedures, frequent unexplained absences from duty, or conduct which is criminal. The Library Manager and/or employee may make a written reply to the charges and may request a hearing before the Board.

1.8       Resignations

An employee is required to provide the Board with two weeks prior written notice of resignation as per Alberta Work Standards.

1.9       Salaries and Hours

The Library Board shall determine salaries for each class of position, with rates of pay so adjusted to reflect the level of difficulty and responsibility required.  Salary levels may be based on the state of the library’s budget and are in line with those of other small public libraries in Alberta. Hours of work for the Library Manager are determined by the Library Board.  Hours of work for Casual employees will be determined at the discretion of the Library Manager.

All employees are paid out of the library’s budget.

1.10     Hours of Work

Each employee shall have two paid 15 minute breaks and an paid lunch - supper break per day.  The Library Manager shall arrange hours of work for all staff.  Hours of work for the Manager shall include attendance at Board and Committee meetings, workshop/in-service activities or any other function as requested by the Board.  Time shall be arranged so that overtime is not accumulated.  Overtime shall be paid for any worked hours in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty four (44) hours per week whichever is greater benefit to the employee, as per Alberta Employment Standards Code.

1.11     Management Rights

1.12     Employee Rights

The employee has the right to consult with the Library Manager in the day to day running of the library, and in all matters relating to his/her employment. The Manager shall be consulted in regards to all staffing matters.  All employees have the right to consult with the Board, in case of a grievance regarding the Library Manager, or an issue not being addressed by the Manager.

1.13     Responsibility of Implementation

1.13.1  The Manager, under supervision of the chairperson, shall be responsible for the implementation of the Personnel Policy and for the development of personnel records and procedures.

1.13.2  The Manager will be responsible to the chairperson of the Board and shall consult the Chairperson for necessary decisions between board meetings.

1.14     Hiring of Staff

The Board is responsible for the appointment of the Manager.  Hiring of any other employees is the responsibility of the Manager.

1.15     Leave of Absence

All leaves of absence by the Library Manager exceeding one month shall require written notice and approval is required before the absence is taken.

  • Last Updated Jan 13, 2023
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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