Collection Development


The Viking Municipal Library recognizes its responsibility to have available a balanced selection of materials on subjects of interest to its patrons.  The selection of library materials is based on the needs and requests of patrons of all ages, races, and creeds, and of organizations with a wide range of interests.

The library does not attempt to promote any beliefs or points of view, nor does it endorse the opinions expressed in the materials held.  Instead, materials representing various points of view are acquired within the limitations of space, budget and availability, to enable patrons to make their own decisions.


The authority and responsibility for the selection of materials is delegated to the Library Manager who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Library Board.  Suggestions from the Board, employees, volunteers and from library patrons are courteously accepted and considered in the selection process.

  • Last Updated Jan 12, 2023
  • Views 8
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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