Expenses for Attending Board Meetings, Workshops, Conferences & Meetings


Policy Statement: Staff shall be compensated for attending library conferences, workshops, and meetings.

Guidelines and Procedures:

  1. The Board will pay all registration fees for workshops and conferences.
  2. Staff will be reimbursed for attending the above at regular salaried hourly rate as follows:
    1. up to 4 hours will be considered as ½ day or 4 hours pay
    2. over 4 hours will be considered as a full day or 8 hours pay
  3. Compensation for subsistence (meals, hotels, and other incidentals) will be reimbursed by the Library Board by receipt.
  4. Staff shall be paid for mileage and attendance at Board Meetings according to Appendix C.
  • Last Updated Dec 23, 2022
  • Views 5
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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