Orientation & Continuing Education for the Board
- New Board Member Package
- The Board recognizes the need for orientation of new Board members and the need to acquire skills and knowledge relating to their roles as Board Trustees. The Board is prepared to provide resources and materials for orientation of new Trustees.
- The Board will provide an orientation package to each new Trustee. This package shall consist of:
- Library bylaws and Policy Manual.
- Municipal bylaw establishing Library.
- Financial statements and budget.
- Annual report.
- Sources of Library funding.
- Alberta Libraries Act and Regulations.
- Introduction to the local library system and the services it provides
- Introduction to the Provincial library network and the services it provides
- Library's current plan of service.
- Map of area served by Library.
- List of Trustees and committees.
- Names and positions of staff.
- Trustee job description.
- A Trustee Manual containing community, Provincial, Library Association information on Public Library development and other information useful to Trustees shall be available in the Library.
- A Trustee's orientation handbook will be distributed to each new Board member at their first Board meeting or shortly thereafter. The Board Secretary and members of the Board delegated by the Secretary shall be responsible for the handbook manual preparation, updates and distribution.
- Orientation of Board Members
- The orientation process will be the responsibility of the Vice Chair, Treasurer, and the Library Manager. This process will include:
- A tour of the Library: Library Manager to explain where the Board reference materials, past records, policy manuals etc. are located.
- A review of the Trustees Handbook and plan of service with Vice Chair.
- A review of previous year's annual report and current budget with Treasurer.
- The Library Trustee will, with the Library Manager, acquaint themselves with procedures and programs at the Library
Ill. Continuing Education of Trustees
The Board recognizes the importance of having informed Trustees. To ensure this, the Board provides, within the limits of its budget, financial support for attendance at library conferences and relevant workshops and membership in library organizations.
- Trustees are expected to regularly attend library or trustee courses or conferences in the area, as time and budget guidelines permit.
- Within budget guidelines, expenses incurred by individual Trustees for travel, subsistence, lodging, and registration fees will be reimbursed, upon submission of receipts to the Board.
- Trustees are expected to provide a verbal report on conference attendance to the Board.
- All Trustees will regularly attend trustee workshops, as time and budget guidelines permit.
Ill. Association Memberships
- The Board purchases an annual institutional membership in the Alberta Library Trustees Association (ALTA). The Board Chair is the voting representative.
- Expenses incurred by individual Trustees for association memberships may be reimbursed, with prior approval of the Board Chair.