General Objectives of the Library


    1. To establish, maintain and preserve, in an organized collection, books and selected educational, cultural, and recreational material, in order to promote an enlightened citizenship and enriched personal lives.

The public librarian, in consultation with the school librarian, shall endeavour to order and maintain a "rich and varied" selection of resources in order to meet the literary needs of the public.

    1. To Serve the Community as a Centre for Reliable Information

The librarian shall attempt to obtain, maintain and implement up-to-date resources and technologies that provide both reliable and current information. In conjunction with this mandate, out-dated resources will be culled as necessary.

    1. To Provide Opportunity and Encouragement for Continuous Education to all People of the Community.

    1. To Support Educational, Civic and Cultural Activities of Groups and Organizations.

The Library Board shall endeavour to promote and sponsor those groups and organizations that may offer educational, civic or cultural programs to the community. (i.e. puppet shows, author readings, etc.)

    1. To Continually Seek and Identify Community Needs, to Provide Service to Meet Such Needs, and to Cooperate with Other Organizations, Agencies and Institutions Which Can Provide Programs or Services to Meet Community Needs.

The Library Board shall conduct a "Needs Assessment Survey" as required, in order to ascertain how it may best serve the community.

The Library Board shall participate in provincial initiatives to electronically link all libraries and provide broader access to resources and information in partnership with Northern Lights Library System.

  • Last Updated Dec 14, 2022
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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