Library Basement Policy


The purpose of this policy is to facilitate the use of the Vermilion Public Library lower level room by members of the public, while ensuring that the room remains in good repair. The basement measures about 2500 square feet and will hold about 75 people comfortably. The basement includes 75 chairs, 16 flip top-style tables, a projector, a whiteboard, and a kitchenette with no utensils or appliances.

  1. Members of the public must speak to a library staff member to book the library meeting room in advance and complete the necessary forms.
  2. The basement is not considered general user space for library patrons and may only be used if previously booked, or for library programs.
  3. The basement may be booked for use outside of library operating hours. If an after-hours key is required, the renter must pick up and sign for it at the library during regular operating hours. A $20 cash deposit for the key will be collected from the renter and refunded upon return of the key. The key should be returned in the exterior book return slot in an envelope.
  4. Fees for use of the basement are set as per the library bylaws.
  5. The Library Board reserves the right to refuse rental requests at its discretion.
  6. Renters are responsible for setting up the room for their events and returning the room to its original condition once their activity is complete.
  7. Renters will not permit any actions which may be deemed a nuisance, annoyance, or contrary to any federal, provincial, or municipal law or regulation. Renters will obey all library policies.
  8. Renters are responsible for the conduct of participants during their rental period and will be held totally responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing lost or damaged equipment, supplies, or furnishings.
  9. Renter must pay all fees prior to using the facility. Bookings will not be reserved until paid in full
  10. Renter must pay for all damages as a result of their activity at the facility
  11. The Library is not responsible for any theft or damage to the renter’s property in the facility
  12. If any alterations or special services are required, they must be arranged through the Library Manager at the Renter’s expense
  13. The facility is not to be used for dormitory purposes
  14. Booking cancellations require 3 days notice. If less than 3 days notice are given the renter will be charged the full rental fee
  15. The maximum occupancy of 90 people is not to be exceeded
  16. The following items will not be permitted in the facility
    1. Use of candles or any open flame devices
    2. Tacks, nails, staples or tape on the walls
    3. Messy decorations (ie. Confetti, hay bales)

  1. This is a tobacco and smoke free facility. All tobacco products are prohibited (ie. Chew, cigarettes, vaporizers). Smoking or vaping is not permitted in the library as per the Town of Vermilion Public Facility policies.


  1. All garbage and cardboard will be removed to the outside dumpsters
  2. All tables and chairs should be returned to their original positions
  3. Remainder of any food items, recycled bottles/cans removed from facility
  4. Kitchen restored to former clean state – counters wiped, spills cleaned, etc. (cleaning products under the sink)
  5. Any spills during the event should be immediately cleaned up using the dry mop or wet mop as provided in the janitor’s closet and mechanical room
  6. All basement lights are turned off at the end of the booking
  7. All after hours entrances are locked at the end of the booking
  • Last Updated Dec 14, 2022
  • Views 78
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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