Meeting Room Policy


The purpose of this policy is to facilitate the use of the Vermilion Public Library meeting room by members of the public, while ensuring that the room remains in good repair. The meeting room measures about 225 square feet and will hold 9 people comfortably. The meeting room includes chairs, tables, and an interactive whiteboard.

  1. Members of the public must speak to a library staff member to book the library meeting room in advance
  2. If the meeting room is not booked, it is considered general user space for library patrons to use for study purposes, users seating, or any activity that would normally take place in the public area
  3. The meeting room may only be booked for a maximum of 2 hours
  4. The meeting room is only available for use by the public during regular library open hours
  5. Fees for use of the meeting room are set as per the library bylaws
  6. The Library Board reserves the right to refuse rental requests at its discretion
  7. Renters are responsible for setting up the room for their events and returning the room to its original condition once their activity is complete
  8. Renters will not permit any actions which may be deemed a nuisance, annoyance, or contrary to any federal, provincial, or municipal law or regulation
  9. Renters will obey all library policies.
  10. Renters are responsible for the conduct of participants during their rental period and will be held totally responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing lost or damaged equipment, supplies, or furnishings
  • Last Updated Dec 14, 2022
  • Views 7
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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