Collection Development


Selection, Acquisition, and Purchase of Library Resources. Collection development and assessment is an ongoing concern of librarians and Library Trustees. It arises from the formal and informal assessment of educational, informational, and recreational needs of the community. The policy must be flexible to meet the changing interests and concerns of the community.

  1. The Board will set the budget for the acquisition of Library materials on an annual basis. NLLS also provides an account to the Library (book allotment) for the purchase of materials though that organization.
  2. Materials are selected for purchase using the general criteria that they entertain, educate, or inform. Selection choices may also be based on the needs and interests of residents of the Service area.
  3. Selection of all material is the responsibility of the Library Manager.
  4. The Manager is expected to keep purchases of all materials within the set budget amount.
  5. The Manager will use sources such as bibliographies, reviews, catalogues, consultant recommendations user requests, and other resources to develop the Library collection.
  6. Materials will be evaluated and selected according to the following: suitability of format, accuracy of information, collection balance, relevance to community needs, quality, and cost.
  1. Materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents.
  2. Multiple copies may be purchased to meet the need for high-demand titles.
  3. Replacement copies will be considered when a title is withdrawn from the collection due to loss, damage, or wear. Guidelines for replacement include: duplicates already in the collection, coverage of the subject area, availability, and the demand for that particular title.
  4. Textbooks or other curriculum-oriented materials will not be acquired except when such material serves the general public.

Intellectual Freedom

  1. The Town of Vegreville Library Board subscribes to the Statement on Intellectual Freedom of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations as described in policy LIB-00-004.
  2. The Town of Vegreville Library Board does not interpret its function or that of its administrators to be the supervisor of public morals. The Board believes in the freedom of the individual, and the right and obligation of parents to develop, interpret, and enforce their own code of acceptable conduct upon their own household.
  3. Responsibility for the reading and viewing of children rests with their parents and/or legal guardians. Selection will not be inhibited by the possibility that material may inadvertently come into the possession of children.
  4. The Library will provide, as far as possible, materials on all sides of controversial issues, including representation of unpopular or unorthodox positions, without censorship or bias, providing the materials give evidence of a sincere desire to be factual.
  5. The public has a right to request the Library to reconsider a title that has been selected. This procedure is described in policy LIB-03-013.

Weeding and Disposition of Library Resources

  16. The collection will be assessed by the Manager on an ongoing basis in order to maintain a high standard.

  17. The materials will be examined to determine suitability for the collection, based on the following criteria: physical condition, currency of subject matter, usage, and age.

  18. As based on the item, the Manager may choose to repair books or other items when such repairs may extend their useable lifespans.

  19. Weeded materials will be disposed of at the discretion of the Manager in such manner as they deem appropriate. Normal methods of disposition include: exchange/donation to another library, donation to schools or other community organizations, sale to the public, or destruction (including recycling when available).


  • Last Updated Mar 20, 2024
  • Views 29
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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