The building in which the library is housed is wholly owned by the Town of Vegreville.
Insurance on the Library contents, including materials owned and not owned by the Library, equipment, furnishings, and all fixtures is carried under the Town of Vegreville policy.
Liability insurance is carried by the Town of Vegreville Library Board.
All costs for electricity, water, natural gas, garbage disposal, and janitorial service for the library's portion of the complex are paid by the Town of Vegreville.
The Library's portion of the complex is 965 m2 (meters square) as defined by everything beyond the doors, workroom, etc., as well as 42.35 m2 of the bathrooms, hallways, etc.
The portion of the Library used for public library purposes is open to any member of the public free of charge when the Library is open.
The Library's patio space will be available for public use, weather dependant.
Washrooms are located in the hallway of the Vegreville Centennial Library Complex and may be used by patrons during Library hours.
There is unreserved, on-street parking for patrons.