Infectious Disease


Health emergencies involving infectious diseases may require Alberta Health to issue ministerial orders, orders in council and legislation which may conflict with existing policies of the Town of Vegreville Library Board. This policy, LIB-00-005, has been developed based on the guidance of the Province of Alberta and shall supersede any existing policies of the Town of Vegreville Library Board.

  1. Hours of Operation

Hours open to the public will be limited at first and increase based on demand and staff availability at the discretion of the Library Manager.

Special hours for vulnerable people will be in effect.

If the health risk to the staff and the public increases, the Library Manager in consultation with the Library Board may decide to reduce the hours of operation and hours open to the public.

  1. Staffing

During reduced level of service it may become necessary to temporarily lay staff off. Staff can alternatively request a leave of absence.

As service levels increase staff will be recalled to work as the need and workload increases.

If any of the staff are worried about the continued health risks and not comfortable returning to work, they may continue on temporary lay-off or leave of absence.

Recalled staff will not lose any level of seniority required to calculate wage levels and vacation.

  1. Services

The level of services provided to the public will be dependent on the availability of staff and their ability to meet the requirements of this policy and attached guidelines.

On-line access, curbside pick-up and physical library access may be utilized as service options dependent on demand, the ability of staff to manage any required physical distancing within the library building and their ability to disinfect or quarantine any item which has had human contact. The Library Manager is responsible for determining the level of service provided within each of these three categories.

The number of people admitted into the Library will be limited at the discretion of the Library Manager in order to stay compliant with physical distancing regulations and demand.

       Programming may continue in a virtual manner only.

  1. Hygiene

Staff must complete a health checklist daily, prior to coming to work. If there are any positive results they must stay home, call 811 and isolate as per guidelines. They may only return to work after successfully testing negative.

If a staff member tests positive, they must let the Library Manager know immediately. If the Library Manager tests positive, they must let the Library Board Chairperson know immediately. All staff will be directed to call 811 and follow the recommendations of Alberta Heath Services. Subsequent sanitizing protocol will be conducted as per Alberta Health Services.

Hand sanitizer stations will be placed at the library entrance and convenient locations throughout the library.

The public and staff will be encouraged to sanitize their hands regularly especially after touching something which may have come into contact with another person.

Public access computers will be sanitized by the staff after each use

Books, movies and digital games which have been touched by the public will be quarantined

for a seven day period before being available.

Shared staff workstations and telephones will be sanitized after each use.

  1. Signage

Signage will be placed outside and around the library regarding practices in place that outline the following:

    • Physical distancing requirements including the circulation desk
    • Prohibitions on attendance by attendees who are sick or isolating
    • Hand hygiene
    • Coughing and sneezing etiquette
    • Cleaning and disinfecting practices
    • Proper flow of traffic around the library

Floor markings will be installed to direct traffic flow and maintain physical distancing.

  1. Restrictions

Some items in the library are difficult to sanitize. Their access or use will be restricted or limited. The following list identifies the items or services that will be restricted or limited:

    • All newspapers, current issues of magazines, toys/puppets, in-house games, puzzle table and piano will be off limits
    • No photocopying, faxing or scanning to email will be done
    • No public use of library telephones
    • Staff will not provide any hands-on technical assistance with public access computers, applications or devices
    • Public washrooms will not be available
    • Limited number of public access computers and time spent on them
    • Number of people on the patio will be limited

The Library Manager may need to add to this list as required.

  1. Compliance

Any of the public that do not comply with the policy and guidelines will be asked to leave the premises and may have services suspended.

Library Staff that do not comply with the policy and guidelines and specifications set out in the task specific workplace hazard assessments will be subject to disciplinary action.

  1. Guidelines

Government of Alberta and Alberta Public Library Services Branch have developed a set of recommendations to assist libraries in their efforts to provide a level of service to the public. The Library Board with the assistance of the Library Manager have condensed these recommendations into the attached set of guidelines to assist the staff and the public.

This set of guidelines may be adjusted periodically as the Government of Alberta and Alberta Public Library Services Branch adjust their recommendations.

  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2022
  • Views 10
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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