Policy Development and Maintenance


  1. A "policy" defines a course or method of action, guiding principle, or procedure that is intended to influence and determine present and future decisions and actions the library wishes to pursue. That is, policies are statements that provide substance to the Library's Mission Statement, and Strategic Plan.
  2. Library Board responsibilities regarding policies entail the development and approval of all policies and procedures of the Tofield Municipal Library.
  3. Unless otherwise indicated and where appropriate, policies apply to all staff members and volunteers as well as to all members of the public who use the Tofield Municipal Library.
  4. It is the responsibility of all Board members to communicate with those under their direction regarding the application of policies in the library, to ensure compliance, and to take appropriate action if problems arise.
  5. Policies and procedures are to be reviewed on an annual basis, with changes made where appropriate and policies added or removed when required.
  • Last Updated Nov 03, 2022
  • Views 11
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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