Library Board Responsibilities and Duties


  1. The Library Board shall be named The Town of Tofield Library Board, which is consistent with the Alberta Libraries Act, RSA 2000, Chapter L-11, effective January 1, 2002.
  2. The Tofield Library Board shall carry out the administration of the Tofield Municipal Library, while considering the Mission, Values, Vision and Objectives of the Library.
  3. The Tofield Library Board is responsible for organizing, promoting and maintaining comprehensive and efficient library services in the Tofield Municipal Library region.
  4. The Board accepts the responsibility for securing funds to provide adequate physical requirements of modern library service. Such facilities will offer to the community a compelling invitation to enter, read, look, listen, and learn.
  5. The Tofield Library Board shall prepare a budget and an estimate of the money required to operate and manage the Tofield Municipal Library before December 1 of each year and shall submit that budget and estimate to the chief administrative officer of the Town of Tofield. (The Libraries Act reads: Section 8.1-8.3)
  6. The Tofield Library Board is responsible for keeping accurate accounts throughout each year and having those accounts audited each year. The audit shall be completed by the auditor appointed by Town of Tofield Council.
  7. The Tofield Library Board shall review all policies on an annual basis and make changes as they are required. Any policies with changes will immediately be filed with the Minister, which is consistent with the Libraries Regulation, AR 141/98.
  8. The Tofield Library Board shall complete and file with the Minister an annual report (The Libraries Regulation: Section 15).
  9. Every meeting of the Tofield Library Board is open to the public pursuant to The Libraries Regulation, Section 5.1, which reads Every meeting of a board is open to the public (The Libraries Regulation: Section 5.2).
  10. The Tofield Library Board shall be responsible for the hiring of the library manager. The Board is also responsible for disciplinary action of the manager should it be necessary, including dismissal (See Lib-05-014).
  • Last Updated Nov 03, 2022
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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