Library Facilitites
- To achieve the goal of good library service, the Board of Trustees accepts the responsibility to see that library building facilities are provided which will adequately meet the physical requirements of modern library service.
- The Board of Trustees will maintain the responsibility for securing the funds for needed facilities.
- At present, all areas of the St. Paul Municipal Library are used for purposes of the library. The space occupied by the St. Paul Municipal Library is owned by the Town of St. Paul and is therefore not the responsibility of the St. Paul Municipal Library Board.
- The program room is not for normal everyday access for library patrons, therefore, may be available for rental upon request.
- The board may refuse a rental request.
- The St. Paul Municipal Library board will establish the rental fee.
- It will also be noted that any damage(s) to any other portion of the Library caused as a result during the period of rental will be charged to the rental user.
- All requests for rental will be handled by the Library Manager, however, if there are any questions, the matter will be referred to the Board.
- All requests will be made on the forms provided by the Library. (Appendix B)
- Functions hosted / sponsored by the St. Paul Municipal Library and Town of St. Paul will be held without rental or deposit charge.