Orientation & Continuing Education of Board & Staff
- Orientation of Trustees: The Library Board recognizes the need for orientation of new trustees.
- Board members shall reflect on their own experiences and knowledge and share these with new members.
- Orientation package developed by the Library Manager and Chair to be given to new members.
- This package shall consist of:
- Orientation of Trustees: The Library Board recognizes the need for orientation of new trustees.
- The library board’s bylaws and policy manual
- Municipal bylaw establishing the library board
- The library boards rules of order for board meetings
- Information about the legal and ethical responsibilities of board trustees, including the responsibility to “speak with one voice” and maintain confidentiality
- Financial Statements and Budget
- Annual Report
- Sources of Library funding, including information about the fiduciary responsibilities of library boards
- Alberta Library Act and Regulations
- Introduction to the Provincial library network and the services it provides
- Library’s current plan of service
- Map of the area serviced by the Library
- List of Trustees and committees
- Names and positions of staff, including an organizational chart
- Information about the relationship between the library board and staff, especially between the library board and the library manager
- Trustee job description
- Continuing Education of Trustees: It is the primary responsibility of the trustee to work towards the betterment of the library and the community.
- Each trustee should familiarize themselves with different subject areas of library operation, such as; Legal, Financial, Budget, Personnel, Public Relations/Communication and Policy
- Specific Trustee Skills - Utilize acquired skills and encourage participation in seminars, workshops, and steering committee meetings
- Community Resources - Information received by the Library Manager should be posted or circulated so that members can attend seminars, work-shops, etc.
- Outside Resources - Board should draw on Recreation and Parks, Field Services, Alberta Library Services and the Further Education Council for their expertise to set up programs, workshops, and conferences.
- Honoraria & Expenses for Trustees:
- Expenses will be paid to those attending seminars, etc. with board approval.
- An Honoraria may be provided to those volunteers attending seminars etc. with board approval
- Long distance phone calls made by a Board member will be reimbursed on approval by board.
- Orientation and Continuing Education of Staff
The Village of Paradise Valley Library Board recognizes the importance of informed and well-trained staff. It supports this policy by providing, within the limits of its budget, orientation program; encouragement and support for attendance at library conferences, workshops, and library-related courses within and outside the Village. It also budgets for membership in library organizations.
- New employees are given orientation and training that will prepare them to best provide service to the public.
- Orientation and training of staff is the responsibility of the Library Manager and includes an understanding of:
- The role of the library in the community
- The role of the library in the larger library community, including participation in both the local library system and the Provincial Library network
- The responsibilities and duties of the Board and staff
- The library’s policies and Plan of Service
- Specific training for the employee’s positions.
- Each new employee is given access to a Procedures Manual for use and reference along with job-specific material provided by the Library Manager.
- Education
- The Library Manager, within the limits of the budget, approves staff attendance at library-related meetings, workshops, and conferences without prior Board approval.
- Within budget guidelines and with prior approval of Library Manager, expenses incurred by individual staff members for travel, subsistence, lodging, and registration fees will be reimbursed, as per established procedure.
- The Library Board supports and encourages the ongoing training of library staff through staff development workshops and regular system training sessions. With the authorization of the Board, the Library Manager may occasionally close the library to allow staff the opportunity to attend these training opportunities.
- The Board supports and encourages informal, ongoing sharing of information among library staff as part of their continuing education.
- Formal Further Education
- The Board supports staff attending formal education programs related to their work at the library to further their education.
- Employees wishing to take an unpaid leave of absence for further education must apply to do so as per established procedure.
- For an absence for further education, the Board may hold an employee’s position for a maximum of two (2) years.
- Formal Further Education
- Library Association Memberships
- The Board purchases an annual institutional membership in the Library Association of Alberta (LAA). The Library Manager is the voting representative.
- Within budget guidelines and with prior approval of the Library Manager, other association institutional memberships may be purchased.
- Expenses incurred by individual library staff members for association memberships may be reimbursed, with prior management approval. The Library Manager will approve individual memberships for library staff members. The Library Board will approve individual memberships for the Library Manager by board motion.
- Library Association Memberships