Employee Complaint & Grievances
The Library Board has zero tolerance for any behaviour in the workplace that is unwelcome by any staff member and follows labour standards and human rights legislation.
HARASSMENT: Any unwelcome behaviour such as, but not limited to, belittling, demeaning, or bullying, which directly or indirectly adversely affects, or threatens to affect, a person’s wellbeing or safety, or a person’s job security, prospects of promotions or earnings, working conditions or opportunity to secure a position.
- Any employee who believes they are in receipt of unwelcome behaviour will address the individual presenting the said behavior, if it is safe to do so. If resolution is not obtained the employee will inform Management who will begin an investigation.
- Should the investigation reveal evidence to support the complaint of harassment, the harasser will be disciplined according to 2.15 Discipline and Termination and may include termination of employment.
- Complaints made in bad faith will be dealt with through Policy 2.15 Discipline and Termination.
- If the staff member feels all of the above steps have not resolved the problem, they may contact the Library Board and provide the Board with a copy of the documentation.
- If the unwelcome behaviour comes from Management, the complainant shall send documentation to the Library Board via email.
- Form 2.16.1 Harassment Complaint shall be used to file a complaint.
The Library Board aims to provide a fair process to settle grievances promptly once the written grievance has been received.
GRIEVANCE: A grievance is a formal employee complaint that is an accusation of a violation of employee contract terms, Town of Morinville Library Board policies, or legislation.
- A grievance will be initiated with the Director within fourteen (14) calendar days from the day the incident comes to the attention of the employee. If Management is the subject of the grievance, the employee may send documentation to the Library Board Chair via email.
- The employee will contact the Director in writing for resolution of the grievance and must include a statement of the following:
- the name(s) of the aggrieved.
- the nature of the grievance and the circumstances out of which it arose.
- the remedy or correction the employer is asked to make.
- Upon receipt of a written grievance, the Director will respond in writing to the employee within fourteen (14) calendar days.
- If the employee is not satisfied with the response from the Director, the employee may appeal directly to the Board in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days of the Director’s response for resolution of the grievance.
- The Board will review the grievance at the next regular Board meeting or sooner if necessary. The Board will respond in writing to the employee and the Library Director within sixty (60) calendar days.
- If the grievance remains unresolved, the employee may file a complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission or Alberta Employment Standards. The decision of the Alberta Human Rights Commission or Alberta Employment Standards will be considered final.
- The time limits set out for the processing of grievances shall be adhered to except in the case of mutual agreement, in writing, to alter the time limits.
- Failure of the griever to act within the prescribed time limits shall cause the grievance to end.
- Failure of the Board or Management to act within the prescribed time limits shall permit advancement.
- Form 2.16.2 Grievance shall be used to file a grievance.
- Disclosure of Wrongdoing (Whistleblowing)
This section does not pertain to situations that belong under 2.16.2 Staff Grievance. It pertains to disclosure of organizational behaviour that is corrupt or illegal.
Morinville Community Library recognizes that whistleblowers are people who act in ‘good faith’ and feel obligated to report wrongdoings.
- If a staff alleges wrongdoing on the part of the library or its Board members, employees, agents, or contractors they should report this in writing directly by following the chain of command: Director, Board Chair, or the Town of Morinville Mayor, as deemed appropriate for the situation and the individuals involved in the wrongdoing.
- The confidentiality of the whistleblower will be respected, and it will be considered a serious offense to breach information.
- Reprisals/Victimization against the whistleblower is not tolerated and may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
- If staff (whistleblower) has been found to have maliciously made a false accusation, they will be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including termination.