Annual Organizational Meeting


The Board shall hold its annual organizational meeting following Council’s appointment of new Board members to term positions. The election of executive officers for one-year terms shall take place, and any other organizational or procedural changes shall be made.


  1. The annual organizational meeting shall occur in conjunction with the Board’s regular November meeting.
  2. Nomination forms shall be available to Board members at the regular board meeting the month prior to the annual organizational meeting, and from the Library Director thereafter.
  3. Completed nomination forms, with consent of the nominees, shall be returned to the Library Director one week prior to the meeting.
  4. Election of officers shall be conducted by the Library Director according to accepted parliamentary procedure.
  5. Board members will indicate the Board Committees(s) on which they are prepared to serve or will be assigned.

  • Last Updated Aug 23, 2022
  • Views 5
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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