Each member of the Board should normally be supplied with a Board Information Package prepared by the Director (in consultation with the Board Chair) 3 days prior to the regular meeting.
The package shall contain an agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, reports and any other pertinent information required for consideration by the Board.
Receipt of this package shall constitute notification of the regular meeting.
It is the responsibility of each Board member to read the board information package prior to the meeting.
If a special meeting should be called, Board members shall be given 48 hours notice.
A Board member wishing to place items on the agenda or to submit items for inclusion in the board information package should inform the Board Chair at least one week prior to the meeting.
The format of the agenda shall be as follows:
Call to order
Land Acknowledgment
Adoption of agenda
Adoption of minutes
Old business
New business
Next meeting date
The size of a quorum shall be 50% plus one or a simple majority.
While meetings shall be conducted on a more casual basis than Robert’s Rules of Order, all participants are expected to behave respectfully and defer to the Chair in the event of a dispute regarding meeting procedures.
Disposition of all motions shall be:
Call to question
An amendment to a motion must be dealt with before the original motion is voted upon.
Voting shall normally be by show of hands.
Secret ballots shall be used for election of officers and for other matters deemed by the meeting to require secrecy.
The Chair shall vote on motions only to break a tie.
Where there is a dissenting vote, those members disagreeing with the majority may request that their dissension is recorded.
The minutes of regular and special meetings shall be recorded.
Minutes of the previous meeting shall be included in the board information package.
Motions shall be numbered according to order of motion in the current year/month (e.g. 1999-02-011 refers to the eleventh motion in 1999 which occurred in the month of February.
Upon adoption of the minutes, the Chair shall sign the minutes, and the signed minutes shall be placed in the official minute’s file.
When written reports are not included, the minutes may include a brief summary.
All regular meetings of the Board are open to the public.
The Chair, at their discretion, may entertain questions from the public.
The Chair may call a special meeting (electronically, by phone, or in person) to deal with issues that must be handled prior to the next regular meeting, if a secret ballot is not necessary.
The minutes of the next regular meeting held after a special meeting shall include the outcome of any motions and a list of who voted in favor of the motion and who was opposed.
When it is necessary to proceed with an action between scheduled Board meetings and it is not reasonable to call a special meeting, the Chair can conduct a vote electronically (such as via e-mail). The Chair must be confident that circumstances of urgency require a vote and that all participants will have access to adequate information about the motion upon which they are being asked to vote. Such a vote must meet the Board’s requirements for a quorum and must be passed by a majority of that quorum prior to being acted upon. The Chair and Trustees shall follow the Email Motion Procedure as laid out in Form 1.18.9.a (Appendix 1A). The motion will be ratified at the next meeting of the Board by being presented to the Board using Electronic Vote Results Form 1.18.9.b (Appendix 1A). Copies of all correspondence related to the vote will be retained as part of the formal record of the library.