Fees & Fines


The Board of Trustees believes that in order to effectively manage the operations of the Library to the benefit of all patrons, a membership fee be charged, and a schedule of fines in the case of overdue, lost or damaged materials be applied.

Membership Fees:

Residence of Holden and area shall be entitled to a Holden Library Membership in accordance with the following fee schedule:

  • family:                   $13.00 per year
  • individual:             $9.00 per year
  • senior:                    no charge
  • temporary:             $1.00 for each 8 week period

Non-residents/member of the Northern Lights Library System area shall be charged a "non­ resident/member'' fee, as established by the Northern Lights Library System, in addition to the applicable fee as listed above.

Overdue Fines:

The fine for late return of materials is ten cents ($0.10) per day, per item, to a maximum of $5.00 per item.

Lost or Damaged Materials:

The fine for lost or damaged materials shall be the replacement cost of the item.

Outstanding fees and fines paid prior to membership renewal

The fine for lost or damaged materials shall be the replacement cost of the item.

Before a membership can be renewed all outstanding fees, fines, and replacement costs for damaged or lost materials must be paid in full.

  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2022
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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