

Policy Statement

The Holden Municipal Library believes that, in order to fulfill its mission to the fullest extent, it shall employ capable, dedicated and knowledgeable staff best suited to serving the needs of library patrons.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear understanding of the conditions of employment between the Board and its employees.


"Library Board" or "Board" means and includes those members appointed under the "Libraries Act".

"Employer" means the Library Board.

"Chief Library Clerk" means the person appointed by the Board to manage the library. "Employees" means those other persons within the group employed by the Board.

"Library Volunteer" means a person receiving no financial remuneration for any work done on behalf of the library.

Management Rights

It is the exclusive right of the Employer to operate and manage the business of the Library in all respects, unless otherwise provided by the Personnel Policies.


The Library Board shall determine staff wages. Wages shall be reviewed by the Board on an annual basis each October.

Hours of Work and Overtime

Work hours related to the hours of public access to the library shall be determined by the Board. No employee will be assigned less than three or more than eight hours of work per day/ forty-four hours per week. Non assigned work hours for the purposes of administration are at the discretion of the Chief Library Clerk. Staff who are required to attend meetings called by the Board shall be paid regular wages.

There will be no overtime, except in extenuating circumstances, as approved by the Board.

Sick Leave

There will be no sick leave allotted or paid by the Board.

Vacation Scheduling

Requests for vacation leave shall be made by employees to the Library Board. The Board may approve or deny vacation applications of employees.

Vacation Pay

Library employees shall be paid vacation pay on each pay cheque. Vacation pay shall be as per Alberta Labour, Employment Standards Code.

Statutorv Holidays

Statutory holidays shall be recognized as per Alberta Labour, Employment Standards Code.

Civic Holidavs

Civic holidays shall be recognized as follows:

  • Farmers' Day, as declared by the Village of Holden
  • Heritage Day (August l st) as declared by-the Village of Holden

If an employee is required to work on a Civic Holiday, remuneration shall be at 1.5 times their regular salary.

Orientation of New Staff

Upon commencing employment, each new staff member shall receive an orientation session by the Library Board or the new employee's immediate supervisor.

Continuing Education of Staff

Library employees shall endeavor to keep current with library developments that will improve services.      .

Employees will be encouraged to attend seminars, workshops and other library related functions

as approved by the Board.

The fees for Professional development courses (e.g. S.A.I.T.) approved by the Board, shall be re­ imbursed provided the course as been successfully completed.

Approved seminars, workshops and conference fees shall be paid b,ythe Board.

Wages or time off in lieu with pay shall be paid for time spent working at courses or conferences.


Employees shall be paid the approved Village of Holden municipal metrage rate to attend Board approved courses, conferences, meetings or functions.

Travel Time

No provision for time incurred by necessity of travel shall be paid by the Board.

Meals & Expenses

Overnight accommodation (excluding personal costs), while on Board approved functions, shall be paid by the Board.

Meals, while on Board approved business, shall be paid as per Village of Holden rates, except in special circumstances as approved by the Board.

Evaluation of Staff

Evaluation of the Chief Library Clerk shall be carried out by the Board on a schedule determined by the Board. Evaluation of other employees shall be carried out by the Chief Library Clerk on an annual basis each October.

Termination of Personnel

The Board shall give employees written notice of termination of employment as per Alberta Labour, Employment Standards Code.

The Library Board and the Chief Library Clerk shall be jointly responsible for the dismissal of casual/part-time staff.

Employees will be required to give the Board written termination of notice as per Alberta Labour, Employment Standards Code.

Hiring of Personnel

The Library Board will be responsible for hiring the chief library clerk.

The chief library clerk shall be responsible for the hiring of casual/part-time staff subject to the following criteria:

    • That casual part-time staff positions be advertized
    • That any temporary full time positions that become available (e.g. STEP) be filled by current staff if a suitably qualified candidate is available, as determined by the Chief Library Clerk. If there is no suitably qualified candidate on staff, the position shall be advertized.
    • All new employees shall be hired on a probationary basis. The probationary period shall be Six months for Chief Library Clerk position and three months for all other staff.


Volunteers shall work under the direction of the chief Library clerk. No honorarium shall be paid.

Revision of Policy

This policy may be revised from time to time as circumstances require.

  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2022
  • Views 14
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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