Computer & Internet Policy



  1. The Internet Access Computers are available to the public during regular Library hours.
  2. There will be no charge for use of computers.


  1. Persons over the age of 16 will be considered as adults.
  2. To access the Internet, users ages 10 to 15 will require a Internet Use Permission Form, signed by a parent or guardian.
  3. Users under the age of 10 must be under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian.


  1. Bookings in ½ hour slots.
  2. Advance bookings may be made by phone, e-mail or in person, and will have priority.
  3. Additional ½ hour slots may be booked on site, as available.
  4. Advance booking of more than ½ hour will be accepted for exam purposes.


  1. The Library assumes no responsibility for security or privacy of on-line transactions.
  2. Users must read the Internet Policy and Internet Access Guidelines and agree to abide by the terms, indicating this by dated signature on the computer sign in sheet.
  3. These computers are not to be used for illegal purposes.  Considering the “family” setting of the library, do not access inappropriate sites (e.g. pornography.)
  4. Users shall not, in any way, degrade, disrupt alter or vandalize the equipment, data or system performance.
  5. Activities such as accessing pornography, misusing copyright materials or violating software licensing agreements are not allowed in the library and are in fact criminal offenses.


Inappropriate use of Internet Computers will result in one or more of the following:

  1. Consequences will be determined at the Librarian’s discretion.
  2. The Library staff will document infractions and consequences.
  3. If a minor is involved the parents WILL be contacted.
  4. If an adult is involved the Police WILL be contacted.


  1. Users are encouraged to either PRINT, or SAVE to a USB stick or other devices rather than saving to computer hard drive.
  2. Material saved to the computer hard drive carries no expectation of privacy and will be cleared, from the hard drive daily.
  3. There will be a charge of $.25 per sheet, including wasted sheets and $0.10 for school age children and Board members.


  1. Users of Library computers will be required to sign in for each slot booked.
  2. Library staff will keep records of time, and number of users, and other pertinent information.


  1. Staff will provide assistance to new users in computer and internet usage.
  2. Staff will provide information on how to PRINT or SAVE but are not required to PRINT or SAVE for users.
  3. The staff will not conduct in-depth searches for users.


               The use of any information obtained via the Library Internet is at the patron’s own risk.  Boyle Public Library is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.  The Library exercises no control whatsoever over the content of the information residing or passing through it.





A Wireless Hotspot Connection is available for public use though out the Boyle Public Library.


Because wireless connections have a limited broadcast range and many factors can cause connection interference (both physical structures and electronic signals), the Library is not liable for any loss of connection and the resulting loss of data being transmitted.

Through the Wireless Hotspot Connection, the Library is providing access through an unfiltered, unsecured wireless internet connection, without access to services available on the public wired network (e.g. Printing, scanning, etc.)

Wireless connections may be less secure that wired connections and can be intercepted.  The Library is not liable for any loss suffered from data interception.  The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of User equipment.

When accessing the Wireless Hotspot Connection, the user is agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Library’s Internet Use Policy.  This policy is available at computer station for users perusal.

  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2022
  • Views 8
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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