Gifts & Donations


Category:                     Materials

Policy Number:           603

Title:                            Gifts and Donations

Guidelines and Procedures:

    1. Monetary Donations:
  1. Gifts of money will be used in accordance with the Board Policy and Plan of Service with the collaboration of the donor if he/she wishes.
  2. Persons requiring income tax deduction receipts shall be directed to the Friends of the Bon Accord Public Library Society.

      2. Donations of Furniture, Art, Equipment, etc:

  1. The Library Manager reserves the right to reject donations that are not needed or that could quickly become obsolete.
  2. The Library Manager reserves the right to remove donated items when they become obsolete.

                3. Donations of Books and Library Materials:

The Library welcomes donations of materials to the library provided that such donations enhance the library collection or can be used for fundraising.

    1. Donors shall be acknowledged in an acceptable manner as decided on a case by case basis.
  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2022
  • Views 21
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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