Job Description-Library Manager



SUBJECT:      Job Description  -  Library Manager

Date Passed      ___May 27, 2013_____      Board Chair      ____Tanya Lalonde_______

Reviewed      ____January 11, 2018___      Board Chair      ____Lisa Boykiw_________


The Library Manager is accountable to the Library Board through the Chair of the Board.  The Library Manager is responsible for integrating the decisions of the Board with the operations of the library.  The Library Manager works with the Board, Volunteers, staff and other organizations to achieve the goals and objectives of the library, in the areas of collection development, service and programs.

Skill Level

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Thorough understanding of library and computer technology
  • Strong planning, organizational and research skills
  • Records management skills
  • Previous library experience would be an asset


1.  General Administration

      1.  Manage the day-to-day operations of the library

      2.  Direct policy implementation

      3.  Oversee property maintenance

2.  Collection Development;

  1. Evaluate the library collection for purposes of addition and/or deletion of titles.
  2. Select and order library materials, within budget guidelines.
  3. Classify and process all acquired materials.
  4. Maintain the collection in good order and repair.

3.  Programs and Services

  1. Assist patrons to use library materials and services.
  2. Develop programming for all age groups in consultation with the Board.
  3. Maintain an active public relations program in conjunction with the Board.
  4. Maintain records of all library activities, both statistical and descriptive.

4.  Staff (Employees and Volunteer)


  1. Train, supervise and evaluate staff.
  2. Hire staff to fill positions within parameters established by the Board

5.  Board Relations

  1. Recommend policies to the Board.
  2. Implement approved policies of the Board.
  3. Attend Board meetings and record minutes.
  4. Provide regular reports to the Board on matters essential to the effective functioning of the library and the Board.
  5. Provide professional expertise, prompt and accurate library information and opinions to the Board.
  6. Participate in Board and committee activities as required.
  7. Obtain Board approval for non-budgeted expenses.
  8. Report to Town and County councils on an annual basis

6. Financial Duties

  1. Sets up and monitors bookkeeping/accounting and is familiar with current accounting practices
  2. Submits a financial summary and status report at Board meetings
  3. Ensures that the annual report required by the government is properly prepared, audited and submitted to the Branch in a timely fashion

7. Public Relations

            1.  Promote increased public awareness of the library.

            2.  Ensure effective and friendly representation of the library to the community.

8.Other Responsibilities

  1. Assist in the preparation of the budget with the Board.
  2. Be familiar with local and provincial library legislation.
  3. Participate in appropriate programs.
  4. Research opportunities for alternate sources of funding.
  5. Attend Librarians’ Council meetings and other training sessions as deemed necessary.
  6. Perform janitorial duties
  7. Compile and submit statistics as required by Branch
  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2022
  • Views 36
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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