Occupational Health & Safety



The Board is committed to a health and safety program that protects and maintains the health and safety of workers at the library’s work sites. The Board is also committed to the protection and maintenance of the health and safety of others who enter onto library property, and the general public.

The Board, management, and staff at every level are responsible and accountable for the library’s health and safety performance. Active participation by everyone is necessary for health and safety excellence. Health and safety excellence includes the

promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, psychological, and social well-being of all employees. Our goal is a healthy, injury-free place for all.


    1. The Board will ensure:
      1. the health, safety, and welfare of workers at the work site
      2. the health, safety, and welfare of other persons at or near the worksite who may be affected by hazards originating from the work
      3. staff are supervised by a person who is competent and familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, regulations, and Code
      4. public health orders are followed
      5. health and safety concerns are resolved in a timely manner
      6. that it facilitates the implementation of safety procedures by providing adequate funding for the provision of a healthy, safe environment

    1. Management will ensure:

      1. staff are aware of their occupational health and safety rights and duties
      2. public health orders are followed
      3. health and safety concerns are resolved in a timely manner
      4. where a prime contractor is required, the prime contractor is advised of all the names and contact information of management who work at the work site
      5. they are competent to supervise the staff under their supervision
      6. the staff under their supervision work in accordance with procedures and measures required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, regulations, and Code
      7. staff under their supervision use all hazard controls and properly use or wear the personal protective equipment required by the employer or under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, regulations, or Code
      8. staff are not subjected to and do not participate in harassment or violence at the work site
      9. staff are adequately trained for the protection of health and safety at the work site before
        1. performing a work activity
        2. performing a new work activity or process, or using new equipment
        3. moving to another area of the work site
    1. Management will:

      1. take all precautions necessary to protect the health and safety of all staff under their supervision.
      2. advise all staff under their supervision of all known or reasonably foreseeable hazards to health and safety in the area where they are performing work
      3. report concerns about an unsafe or harmful work site act or condition that occurs/exists or has occurred/existed to the Board
      4. provide for educational programs and resources which assist in the development of sound safety practices and attitudes

    1. Staff will:

  1. protect the health and safety of themselves and other people at or near the work site
  2. use all devices and wear all personal protective equipment for their protection as required by management or the Occupational Health and Safety Act, regulations or Code
  3. refrain from causing or participating in harassment or violence
  4. report to management concerns about an unsafe or harmful work site act or condition that occurs/exists or has occurred/existed
  5. participate in safety education training in accordance with Board policies, library procedures, and the regulations and standards of other regulating bodies
  • Last Updated Aug 04, 2022
  • Views 10
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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