Workplace Environment Policy


    1. Health and Safety:

      1. The County of St. Paul No. 19 Libraries are committed to providing a workplace environment which is safe and secure to a reasonable degree. Individuals will be aware of and understand this Policy.

        • All Staff/Volunteers will adhere to the Health and Safety Guide for Libraries prepared by the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety.

        • All Staff/Volunteers will adhere to the Working Alone Policy.

        • All Staff/Volunteers will deal with accidents, personal injury or crisis and complete incident reports as required. All Staff/Volunteers should use the 911 Service.

        • The Libraries will adhere to the County of St. Paul No. 19 Emergency Disaster Plan.

        • Staff and Volunteers require First Aid Training.

        • Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Each individual should ensure that the workplace environment is as safe as possible and report any unsafe conditions to the Librarian.
        • Children 10 years and under and vulnerable persons will not be left unsupervised in the Public Library.

    1. Violence and Harassment:

      1. The County of St. Paul No. 19 Libraries are committed to promoting an abuse free environment in which individuals respect one another and work together. Any act of violence or harassment will not be tolerated.

      1. The following definitions apply to this Policy:

Acts of violence or harassment can take the form or physical or non-physical behavior. This can include but not limited to:

        • Threatening Behavior - Shaking fists, destroying property, throwing objects, verbal/written threats and/or expression to harm.

        • Harassment - Behavior that demeans, embarrasses, humiliates, annoys (this includes words, gestures, intimidation, bullying or other inappropriate behavior).

        • Verbal Abuse - Swearing, insults.

        • Physical Attacks - Hitting, shoving, pushing or kicking, spitting.

        • Sexual Abuse - Discrimination on the basis of gender, innuendo, or unwelcome comments of a sexual or demeaning nature.

      1. Procedure to be followed in dealing with violence and harassment:

  1. Reference is to be made to the Health and Safety Guide for Libraries.

  1. A staff member may advise the offender that a particular behavior is unwelcome or take necessary evasive action (exiting to a locked office).

  1. In the event of an abuse of a serious nature, the Police will be called.

  1. Staff are aware and understand that acts of violence or harassment are considered serious offences and, therefore, must be reported to the Librarian/Library Board.

  1. A staff member faced with conduct, where safety is believed to be threatened, should contact the Police immediately.

  1. A reported incident of violence or harassment shall result in:
    • Investigation of the complaint in an objective and timely manner by the Librarian, if she/he is involved and by the Board.
    • Action taken upon the complaint.
    • Support given to the victim.

  1. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

Violators (outside the organization) will have action taken against them commensurate with the incident up to and including temporary or permanent withdrawal of services or legal action.

  1. All complaints shall be kept confidential.

  • Last Updated Aug 04, 2022
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Tracy Paradis

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